Udayana University Holds Selection for New Student Admissions for Professional and Postgraduate Programs Odd Semester 2024

Udayana University (Unud) is holding a Computer-Based Written Examination (UTBK) Selection for New Student Admissions for Professional Programs and Postgraduate Odd Semester Year 2024/2025. This UTBK implementation will take place on June 1 2024 at UTBK centers in the Unud area.

The selection was attended by 1,389 participants consisting of 398 participants for the professional level, 764 participants for the Master's level, and 227 participants for the Doctoral level.

The implementation of UTBK is spread across the Jimbaran Campus and Denpasar Campus, consisting of 12 rooms on the Denpasar Campus and 16 rooms on the Jimbaran Campus. The implementation of UTBK is divided into 2 sessions, where session 1 is held at 09.00-11.40 WITA and session 2 is held at 14.00-16.40 WITA.

The materials tested in the UTBK selection for new student admissions for the Professional Program, Specialist Medical Education Program (PPDS), and Postgraduate are the Academic Ability Test (TKA) and the English Language Ability Test (TKBI).

On this occasion, the Rector of Udayana University, Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana accompanied by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja directly observed the implementation of UTBK. The Rector hopes that the implementation of UTBK can run smoothly.