Udayana University Holds the Launching of ZI WBK for Faculty and Postgraduate Studies, Combined with Final Reflections for 2023
Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) held an event to launch the Development of an Integrity Zone Towards a Corruption Free Area (ZI-WBK) at the Faculty and Postgraduate School within Udayana University which was coupled with the 2023 End of Year Reflection activity, Friday (29/12/2023). The event, which was held at the Widya Sabha Auditorium, Jimbaran Campus, was attended by the Inspector General of the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Rector and Vice Rectors, Chair and Secretary of the Senate, Chair of SPI, Faculty and Postgraduate Leaders, Heads of Institutions, Heads of Work Units within Udayana University, Lecturers, Students and Staff who also participated present online the Acting Secretary of the Directorate General of Diktirisktek.
The launch of the ZI WBK was marked by the reading of the Integrity Pact by the Faculty and Postgraduate Leaders led directly by the Rector of Unud, then continued with the signing of the Integrity Pact. In this activity, the 2023 ZI-WBK Taghun predicate award certificate was also handed over at the level of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology to the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University by the Inspector General of the Ministry of Education and Culture accompanied by the Rector of Unud.
Rector of Unud Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana in his speech said that in simple terms, the Zone of Integrity (ZI) is synonymous with the issue of bureaucratic reform in order to create clean and accountable government and excellent public services. Therefore, every government institution should be committed to ZI, in order to avoid corrupt practices. For agencies that truly comply with ZI, they can be given awards in the form of Corruption Free Area (WBK) and Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM) titles. However, achieving the WBK and WBBM predicates is not an easy matter, because there are several stages that must be passed, including declaration, development, proposal, assessment and determination. Therefore, every government agency is required to have a good understanding of ZI, WBK and WBBM. In this way, awareness and commitment to realizing ZI, WBK and WBBM will grow by itself.
"Activities for the Designation of an Integrity Zone Towards a Corruption Free Area in the Udayana University Environment are part of the 2023 End of Year Reflection agenda at Udayana University. Let's understand that reflection is the process of looking in the mirror or looking at and reflecting on various things that have been through. So what are the things that we have actually gone through in relation to the issue of bureaucratic reform in order to realize clean and accountable government and excellent public services," said the Rector of Unud.
It was further stated that Udayana University has made efforts to create a quality and integrated educational ecosystem, integrating locations and educational infrastructure, strengthening research and service innovation, strengthening governance, strengthening the curriculum, strengthening cooperation and internationalization, Openness of Public Information, and transformation of Udayana University to PTNBH.
Acting Secretary of the Directorate General of Diktiristek Prof. Tjitjik Srie Tjahjandarie in his direction said that the Director General of Diktiristek expressed his appreciation to Udayana University which continuously builds or restores public trust in Udayana University through very systematic work efforts which then proves that Udayana University is actually committed to integrity at all levels. at Udayana University and also commitments related to good and clean higher education governance, of course.
Meanwhile Inspector General of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Dr. Chatarina Muliana Girsang, S.H., S.E., M.H. said that preparing the construction of integrity zones for all work units within the Ministry of Education and Culture, including PTN, is the most important thing, so Ministerial Decree Number 228 of 2023 has been stipulated. He really appreciates the activities that have been carried out by the Chancellor of Udayana University and the current staff, where there are already around 20 campuses PTN has declared an integrity zone for all faculties and all work units up to postgraduate studies and their bureaus.
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In the reflection activities carried out after the launch of the ZI WBK, awards were handed over to outstanding students and lecturers, awards were given to winners of the LPPM Unud Champions League, inauguration of student reading ambassadors, teachers, lecturers and friends of the library and ended with a procession to leave 2023 and welcome the New Year 2024.