At the end of 2023, Udayana University Released 716 Graduates, Total Alumni Numbered 120,129 People

Approaching the end of 2023, Udayana University (Unud) will hold its 157th Graduation Ceremony, taking place at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Unud Bukit Jimbaran, Saturday (9/12/23). At the graduation, the Rector of Udayana University, Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, M.T., Ph.D., IPU released 716 graduates. The number of graduates consisted of 12 people from the Doctoral Program (S3), 76 people from the Masters Program (S2), 24 people from the Specialist Program, 112 people from the Professional Program, 484 people from the Bachelor Program (S1), and 8 people from the Diploma Program.

The graduates this time were dominated by women, numbering 390 people, while the number of male graduates was 326 people. In terms of academic achievement, the average GPA of female graduates is 3.75 while the average GPA of men is 3.69. Meanwhile, for the study period, the average study period for female graduates is 7.6 semesters, while for male graduates the study period is 8.5 semesters.

The best graduate at this graduation for each program level consisting of the Doctoral Program was achieved by Dr. Rini Srikus Saptaningtyas, ST., M.Sc., from the Engineering Science Doctoral Study Program with GPA: 3.89 (With Commendations). The master's program was achieved by I Gusti Ngurah Bagus Juliarta, SE., SH., AK., CA., MH., from the Master of Law Study Program with GPA: 3.98 (with honors). Meanwhile, Nadya Nova Ardhana, S.Par., from the S1 Tourism Study Program achieved the achievement with a GPA: 3.99 (With Commendations). With the release of 716 graduates, to date Unud has a total number of alumni of 120,129 people.

Rector of Unud, Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, M.T., Ph.D., IPU., congratulated all the graduates on their hard work and success. The hope is that the knowledge that has been obtained can be implemented well for the progress of society, nation and state. The Rector also said that Unud was committed to continuing to make a series of changes in a better direction.

In 2023, several efforts have been made to maintain Unud's progress as a higher education institution, five of which are, first, the internationalization agenda of Unud through increasing international cooperation with various parties, second, collaboration in academic/non-academic activities with various state institutions, third, increasing quality of human resources by providing UKT assistance to employees and lecturers. Lecturers are encouraged to become Professors by providing International Partnership Institution-based Research (INSPIRE) grants. Fourth, increasing the predicate of superior and international accreditation in every study program within Unud, both at the undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral levels, and fifth, transforming Unud into a Legal Entity State University (PTN-BH).

The Rector also hopes that the various efforts that have been carried out will receive support from various parties so that they produce optimal results. One of them is support from the Udayana University Alumni Association (IKAYANA), which on December 2 2023 officially inaugurated a new management team with a total of 130 administrators.

Through this new structure, it is believed that IKAYANA will make many contributions in maintaining the prestige of Unud as a respected state higher education institution in the eyes of the public. IKAYANA also functions as a media or facilitator for fresh graduates or recent graduates from Unud for work matters or advanced study purposes.