Udayana University Celebrates 61st Anniversary, Superior Accreditation Becomes Basic Capital for PTNBH

Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) held an Academic Ceremony to commemorate the peak of its 61st Anniversary at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Jimbaran Campus, Friday (29/9/2023). In commemoration of this anniversary, a scientific oration was also delivered by Dr. I Dewa Gede Palguna, SH., M.Hum with the title Getting Rid of Darkness, Reflections on the Story of Mochtar Kusumaatmadja.

The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, through a video broadcast, congratulated the 61st Anniversary to the Udayana University academic community and hoped that Unud could continue to maintain its role as a university that is proud of the people of Bali and Indonesia, which gives birth to more ideas, research and innovation that can be a solution for current problems. The President hopes that Unud can become an example and role model to produce concrete research and innovation, for example innovation for waste management, reducing plastic waste, developing eco tourism, developing new renewable energy, electric vehicles and so on, because our future direction is to strengthen the development of a green economy an inclusive one that preserves the environment, has low emissions and improves the welfare of the lower classes and is more just.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Education and Culture, Nadiem Makarim, through a video broadcast, hopes that in this increasingly mature age, Unud can continue to grow to become an outstanding campus by producing superior human resources, and presenting various innovations and research that have a big impact on the development of human civilization. Through the breakthrough of independent learning for higher education, we continue to support Udayana University to realize this vision and mission. Let us continue to move simultaneously to realize independent learning on an independent campus.

Rector of Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng., IPU in his report submitted at the 61st Anniversary conveyed the theme of the Anniversary, namely "Building Synergy to Create Achievement" which means that togetherness needs to continue to be strengthened and synergy must be built between the Udayana University academic community from both elements of leadership, academic staff, educational staff, educational laboratory staff and students in order to increase human resource competency, creating a superior Udayana University with global achievements. 61 years old is a mature age. This should make all Unud academics aware that the campus must continue to move forward and achieve many works and achievements as it matures.

"Let us all understand, reflect and try as hard as we can to achieve our vision to realize "the realization of superior, independent and cultured higher education". By achieving superior accreditation which is the basic capital towards PTN BH, Unud continues to strengthen educational institutions and is currently transforming towards PTN BH," said the Rector of Unud.

The Rector further said that currently Unud has the status of PTN Public Service Agency (BLU) which has been running since 2011. Increasing the status to PTN BH can encourage Unud to improve the quality of education, the quality of human resource (HR) performance, and the quality of services, thereby producing the quality of graduates is superior and ready to compete at regional, national and international levels.

The Quality and Integrated Education Ecosystem that is being developed by Unud, will transform Unud from BLU status to PTN BH, to realize the road map for institutional development as mandated in the 2020-2024 Unud Strategic Plan and 2020-2040 RPAJP. Based on the results of the PTN BH Analytical system assessment (which was developed by the Institutional Directorate of the Director General of Higher Education) Unud obtained a score of 377.93. From the scores obtained, Unud has met the eligibility to change to PTN BH. The minimum score that must be met to change from PTN to PTN BH is 300.

In his report, the Rector of Unud also conveyed the potential of Unud and the achievements that had been achieved in the last year.

The Acting Governor of Bali, in his speech delivered by the Assistant for Government and Social Affairs of the Regional Secretary of Bali Province, I Dewa Gede Mahendra Putra, congratulated and succeeded in holding the 61st Anniversary of Udayana University and expressed his gratitude for having played a very significant role in the development and progress of Balinese society.

At the peak of this Anniversary commemoration, awards were also presented to the International Advisory Board of Udayana University. After the peak of the commemoration, it was also continued with an awards ceremony for the academic community, entertainment and a door prize drawing.