Udayana University Graduate School Holds First Lecture, Followed by 1,290 New Students from 66 Study Programs

Jimbaran - Postgraduate Program at Udayana University (Unud) held the Inaugural Lecture by presenting 1,290 new students spread across 66 Study Programs in 11 Faculties and Postgraduate. This inaugural lecture took place online and offline at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Jimbaran Campus, Tuesday (5/9/2023). The inaugural lecture was opened directly by the Rector of Udayana University presenting five speakers namely Inspector General of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of Udayana University, Secretary of USDI, Chair of JUPI Unud and Head of UPT Library.

Plt. Unud Postgraduate Director Prof. I Wayan Budiasa said of the 1,290 new postgraduate students, 774 students (60 percent) were contributed by the top 3, namely the Faculty of Medicine with 306 students, the Faculty of Economics and Business with 224 students, and the Postgraduate students with 244. Of the 1,290 new postgraduate students, 505 students attended offline at the Widya Sabha Building, and 785 students attended online. Participants in this inaugural lecture were all new students of the Professional Program, Masters Program, Doctoral Program, and Specialist Medical Education Program at Udayana University.

Rector of Unud Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara in the opening of this event said, Udayana University currently has 13 faculties, one postgraduate, with a total of 122 Study Programs consisting of three Diploma 3 study programs, 49 Applied Bachelor/S1 Study Programs, 9 Professional Programs, 28 Masters Study Programs, 13 Doctoral Study Programs, and 20 PPDS. So, out of 122 study programs at Udayana University, 70 of them are postgraduate programs including the Professional Program, Masters Program, Doctoral Program, and PPDS. Higher education at Unud refers to the National Higher Education Standards which are translated into Udayana University Standards, and refers to the Professional Program Academic Guidelines, Masters Program Academic Guidelines, Doctoral Program Academic Guidelines, and PPDS Academic Guidelines.

The educational process at Unud is also supported by the Academic Administration Management Information System (SIMAK) which has been integrated into the Integrated Management Information System of Unud (IMISSU) managed by the Data and Information System Unit (USDI), complete and quality academic facilities and infrastructure such as subscribe to quality journals managed by the UPT Library, scientific publication services by the Journal and Scientific Publication Unit (JUPI) of Udayana University.

Udayana University continues to improve various facilities in order to support the learning process, and it is hoped that all new students can complete their education on time according to the study period for each level of education.

The Speakers Inspector General of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Dr. Chatarina Muliana in her material conveyed the transformation of education and the achievements of 8 Higher Education IKUs, the Principles of Good University Governance, Supervision of PTN Management and the Role of SPI in Strengthening Supervision in PTNs. Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Unud Prof. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja gave a glimpse of Unud's profile, learning system, quality assurance and facilities and infrastructure. USDI Secretary Dr. Dewa Made Wiharta conveyed information systems at Unud. Head of JUPI Unit Gusti Ayu Candra Dharmayanti, Ph.D conveyed information regarding journals and publications, and resource person Head of UPT Library Dr. Ida Ayu Laksmita Sari with the topic of the Unud library information system.