Udayana University Released 4,116 Students of Community Service Program (KKN) to Go to the Village

Jimbaran - Departure and deployment of students and DPL KKN PPM Period XXVII, OJK Financial Literacy and Inclusion Thematic KKN, and PUPR Infrastructure Thematic KKN Udayana University (Unud) 2023 which takes the theme "Real Work Serving for the Nation, Generating Quality Economy and Health" located at Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Udayana University, Jimbaran Campus, Friday (14/7/2023). A total of 4,116 students participating in the XXVII Period of KKN from 13 faculties were released directly by the Rector of Udayana University who would be distributed to 264 villages where the KKN was located in 8 districts in Bali. This KKN activity will start from 15 July to 27 August 2023.

The release of this KKN was also coupled with the signing of the Financial Literacy and Inclusion KKN collaboration between Udayana University and OJK Region 8 Bali and Nusa Tenggara by the Chairperson of LPPM and the Deans of the Faculties. This activity was attended by the Rector , Chair of the Senate, Vice Rectors, Chair and Secretary of LPPM, Deans and Postgraduate Directors, Heads of UPTs and Units within Unud, Field Supervisors (DPL), Representatives of Village Heads and KKN student representatives and Head of OJK Regional 8 Bali and Nusa Tenggara Kristianti Puji Rahayu, SE.,MBA.

Head of LPPM Unud Prof. I Nyoman Suarsana conveyed that KKN is an academic activity from the aspect of education whose implementation is managed in the form of dedication. So KKN is an intracurricular activity that combines education, research and community service. In KKN activities students are given the experience of learning and working outside the campus in the form of community empowerment activities. For KKN students, this will be a new experience, seeing and experiencing real facts in the village. Very interesting and a challenge in itself because there will be a meeting between theory and facts or cases in the field.

LPPM and the KKN committee have prepared a Thematic KKN model with the theme of Financial Literacy and Inclusion Thematic KKN in collaboration with OJK; then the Infrastructure Thematic KKN in collaboration with the PUPR ministry. In addition to the regular KKN PPM, this period's KKN tries to integrate with the village where the village is the location of the beneficiary activities of the PUM scheme grants carried out by Unud lecturers.

"To all students participating in our KKN from LPPM and the KKN committee advised us to always maintain the good name of Unud in the community. We also hope that through this KKN activity students can adapt quickly and communicate well with the community. Work optimally and give your best to the community village," said Prof. Suarsana.

While the Rector of Unud, Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara in his speech asked the KKN participants so that what is a priority in the KKN is done as well as possible. 4,116 students will be released to the village and it is hoped that they will be able to return in full, for that they are doing well while in the village, working together so that there are no problems. It is hoped that KKN students will be comfortable from the first day of the program to the last day in the village and then return to campus to carry out their duties as students and complete other assignments.

Later while in the village he will become a delegate for Unud, for this the Rector will entrust the good name of Unud while in the village. Participants should coordinate regarding technical departures to the village and Field Supervisors to also communicate with the village. During the KKN students are given the opportunity to be permitted to be absent from the village for two times, so that they are put to good use not to be permitted three times.

"I hope that the students will be orderly, the field supervising lecturers will be orderly, supported by good management to conduct KKN. I hope that the Udayana University KKN will run according to our expectations, full of meaning and useful for the surrounding community," said the Rector of Unud.

The release was marked by the use of nametags and hats on the students participating in the KKN and handing them over to village representatives by the Rector of Udayana University accompanied by the Chair and Secretary of the LPPM.