Udayana University Independent Pathway UTBK Followed by 3,406 Participants

Udayana University (Unud) is holding a Computer-Based Writing Examination (UTBK) for New Student Admissions Selection for Independent Pathways for Diploma and Undergraduate Programs in 2023. The Independent UTBK lasts for three days, 5 to 7 July 2023 which is divided into five exam sessions with 3,406 registered participants.

The UTBK locations are the Computer Labs located on the Denpasar Campus which are divided into 7 locations with 16 exam rooms and 1,769 participants and the Jimbaran Campus which is divided into 8 locations with 19 exam rooms and 1,637 participants.

The material tested in this UTBK is the Scholastic Potential Test (TPS), Mathematical Reasoning, and Literacy in Indonesian and English Literacy. In participating in the UTBK, participants are required to see the test location the day before the exam is carried out, and during the exam bring the UTBK Mandiri Unud Participant Card in 2023 and bring the official document requested, namely a legalized copy of a diploma for graduates in 2021 and 2022, and a Certificate of Graduation for graduates in 2023 as well as identity such as KTP or SIM.

During the UTBK participants are not allowed to leave the room, bring communication devices, cameras, tape recorders, calculators and notes as well as talk or borrow other participant equipment.