Udayana University Lepas 841 graduates at the 154th graduation

A total of 841 graduates were released by Udayana University (Unud) in the 154th graduation ceremony at the Widya Sabha Auditorium, Bukit Jimbaran Campus, Saturday (24/6/23). The graduates came from the Diploma, Profession, Bachelor, SP-1, Masters and Doctoral programs. So that the number of Unud alumni since its founding until the 154th graduation was 116,081 people.

The graduates who were inaugurated this time were from the Faculty of Humanities as many as 70 people, the Faculty of Medicine 76 people, the Faculty of Animal Husbandry 26 people, the Faculty of Law 133 people, the Faculty of Engineering 56 people, the Faculty of Agriculture 61 people, the Faculty of Economics and Business 172 people, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences 86 people , Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 79 people, Faculty of Agricultural Technology 9 people, Faculty of Tourism 17 people, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences 44 people, Faculty of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries 6 people, and Postgraduate Program 6 people.

Rector of Unud, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng., IPU explained that by increasing the number of graduates, it is expected that Unud will also contribute to efforts to educate and prosper the nation's life. Unud has been accredited Superior from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT). This is thanks to its consistency which is always committed to providing the best educational services.

Many achievements have been achieved by the academic community which can be used as evidence, that Unud has always worked to be able to provide space for the academic community, especially students, in the context of self-development in the scientific field. In addition to achievements in the academic field, there have been various non-academic achievements at the regional, national and international levels.

Not only providing the best educational services to students, Unud also always encourages an increase in the quality of human resources, especially among educators/lecturers. This is evidenced by the continued increase in the number of Professors owned by Unud.

"If you add them up, until now Udayana University has 199 professors from various faculties within Udayana University. It doesn't stop at 199, I should inform you that soon this number will increase," said Prof. Antara.

Furthermore, the Rector of Udayana University said that support from various parties was needed, one of which was the alumni of Udayana University. Alumni have the rights and obligations to participate in developing the alma mater in a better direction. For this reason, active participation is expected in the development of Udayana University in one official forum, namely the Udayana University Alumni Association (IKAYANA).

Apart from that, graduates are also expected to continue studying, work smartly and sincerely, and maintain the good name of their alma mater. Wise in applying his knowledge, implementing this knowledge for the betterment of society, nation and state.

"Keep the good name of your alma mater wherever you are and don't forget to participate in filling out online questionnaire instruments in carrying out tracer studies which have an important role in efforts to improve and develop the quality of education at Udayana University. Your role is very much needed to maintain the credibility of your beloved alma mater at Udayana University," added Prof. Antara.