Udayana University Receives 3,104 Prospective New Students Through the SNBT Path

Udayana University (Unud) accepted 3,104 prospective new students for the Undergraduate Program and Diploma Program through the 2023 Test Based National Selection (SNBT), out of a total of 21,895 applicants. The results of the 2023 SNBT have been announced through the official portal of the National Selection for New Student Admissions (SNPMB) on Tuesday, 20 June 2023 starting at 15.00 WIB.

The announcement of the results of the 2023 SNBT line selection was submitted via the main page for the announcement of the 2023 SNBT line selection results, namely https://pengumuman-snbt-snpmb.bppp.kemdikbud.go.id/. In addition to the SNPMB main page, announcements can also be accessed on 37 mirror pages for the announcement of the 2023 SNBT selection results. Of the total prospective students accepted, 507 of them are participants in the Indonesia Smart Card (KIP) for College.

SNBT itself is one of the three admissions pathways for diploma and undergraduate programs at state universities. This selection path focuses on measuring reasoning and problem solving abilities through a scholastic test that measures four things, namely cognitive potential, mathematical reasoning, literacy in Indonesian, and literacy in English.

Prospective students who have passed the SNBT selection process are then required to register via the https://e-registrasi.unud.ac.id/auth/login page to fill out the Single Tuition Fee Form (UKT) no later than June 28, 2023 at 16.00 WITA, and then the results of determining the UKT group will be announced on June 30 2023 via the http://www.unud.ac.id page.

Especially for prospective students who graduate through the college KIP Pathway, there are additional documents scanned in pdf format which will be uploaded to the https://bitly/Pengumuman KIP-K 2023 system no later than June 27 2023. After completing the first stage, then prospective new students register online and make UKT payments.