Udayana University Holds First Lecture for Masters, Doctoral, Professional and Specialist Programs

Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) held the First Lecture for Masters, Doctoral, Professional and Specialist Programs at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Jimbaran Campus, Wednesday (1/3/2023). This inaugural lecture presented five speakers, namely the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Chairperson of the Udayana University Senate, USDI Secretary, Head of UPT Library and Head of the JUPI Unit.

Director of the Postgraduate Program of Udayana University, Prof. Ir. Linawati, M.Eng.Sc.,Ph.D, in her report said that in total for this even semester there were 355 new students spread across seven faculties and postgraduate programs. Details on the number of new students based on educational level, for the doctoral study program level there is only one person, namely from the Doctoral Study Program in Animal Husbandry Sciences, there are 66 students for the master's level, and for the professional level there are 126 students spread across the Engineer, Pharmacist and Veterinary Profession Study Programs. For specialist doctor level, there are a total of 162 students spread across 19 PPDS. This inaugural lecture will begin by introducing the relevant leaders, followed by providing important material for students and this debriefing will be delivered by five relevant speakers owned by Udayana University.

The material presented was about the education system at Unud, Public Lectures on how to carry out postgraduate lectures so that they are on time, successful with a good GPA and a pleasant learning experience; information technology services and information systems that new students need to know where all services are IT-based, as well as information on journals and publications. This inaugural lecture was held in a hybrid manner to facilitate the needs and limitations of new students related to work assignments and there were 46 who took part online, while 307 others attended in person.

While the Rector of Unud, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng., IPU in his remarks said that this was an academic procession as a series of academic learning at Udayana University for all strata which began on March 1 2023. The Rector welcomed all new students who have joined the Postgraduate and Faculties who have scattered in Unud and thank you for choosing Unud as a place to carry out education. The Rector further said that Unud has 13 Faculties and Postgraduate Programs with a total of 120 Study Programs, where almost 65 percent or close to 70 percent of the accreditations are excellent and very good. For those who excel will be encouraged to follow international accreditation. The indicator for the success of the Study Program is that students graduate on time as planned. Our challenge is how the percentage of students graduating on time is very important for all of us. When in the course of lectures there are things that become obstacles that we must discuss to solve them. Student commitment is needed to secure studies in accordance with expectations.

Through this opportunity the Rector also conveyed the master's and doctoral academic guidebooks at Udayana University which are guidelines for students, education staff and lecturers who must be scrutinized as guidelines in completing lectures and managing in their respective study programs. This handbook covers all Postgraduate Programs both at the Postgraduate and at the Faculties.

As of March 1 2023 all lectures are being held at the Bukit Campus for S0 and S1, and to do that a lot of preparations must be made and carried out in stages for each batch. Meanwhile, the campus in Denpasar will be intended for Masters and Doctoral students as well as Professions and Specialist Doctors so that the space becomes wider and more comfortable. Unud is currently in the process of becoming a PTNBH so that it can move faster and more efficiently to become a quality education center with a quality and integrated education ecosystem.