Udayana University Holds Year-End Reflection Activities 2022

Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) held a Year End Reflection activity for 2022 and Welcoming the New Year 2023 at the Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Jimbaran Campus, Friday (30/12/2022). This activity was attended by the Rector, Chair of the Senate, Vice Rectors, Heads of Bureaus, Faculty and Postgraduate Leaders, Heads of Institutions, Heads of Work Units within Unud, Dharma Wanita Association of Unud, students and other invitees.

Rector of Unud Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara in this reflection activity conveyed several things namely throughout 2022, all members of Udayana University have worked and performed very well in the field of Tri Dharma, and have contributed to the success of the programs and policies that have been proclaimed by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, especially those related to Learning and Student Affairs, HR, Resources and Institutions of Higher Education. Our achievements in 2022 have received appreciation from various parties, both external parties, both in the field of public services, as well as in the administrative and facilitative fields.

At the beginning of 2022, since launching Unud as a quality and integrated education ecosystem in 2021, in realizing the Vision of Unud, namely "The Realization of Excellent, Independent and Cultured Higher Education", as well as the long journey of Unud in achieving Excellent accreditation which is the basic capital towards PTN BH, Unud continuously strengthens educational institutions, both in the academic and non-academic fields (construction and non-construction infrastructure facilities). Improving the quality of education, the quality of human resource (HR) performance, and the quality of service, so as to produce superior quality graduates who are ready to compete at the regional, national and international levels.

In principle, Unud PTN BH is in the framework of Unud World Class University. The key to becoming a world class university is that Unud must have a 'magnet' that has international appeal. The 'magnet' can be developed by transforming all the resources owned by Unud, in such a way that it becomes an attraction for researchers, practitioners and students abroad.

Through this opportunity the Rector also conveyed the breakthroughs that have been made, internationalization programs, strengthening the education ecosystem, performance achievements and ongoing construction projects and several other things. In the future, big challenges and jobs will continue. Assistance, cooperation and suggestions from various parties to continue to develop and maintain the greatness of Unud are highly expected. To all the Academic Community of Udayana University, he asks for prayers and support for the transformation to PTN BH and the internationalization of Udayana University to run smoothly and successfully.

In this Year-End Reflection activity, various awards were also given, including student achievement awards and supervising lecturers, Unud Journal Ranking (UJAR) awards, awards to study programs related to research, awards to Diktiristek Award Recipients, and awards to Functional Positions of Associate Archivists who are Retired Task. Besides that, the signing of the Construction Building Inscription was also carried out where there were 10 inscriptions signed directly by the Rector of Udayana University. The event ended with a procession to release 2022 and welcome the New Year 2023.