Udayana University Again Wins "Informative" Public Agency Public Information Disclosure Award

Udayana University (Unud) again won the Public Information Openness Award as an Informative Public Agency for the category of State Universities from the Central Information Commission (KIP). Rector of Unud Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara was present directly at the awarding ceremony which was held at the Ballroom of the Atria Serpong Hotel, Tangerang, Banten, Wednesday (14/12/2022).

Plt. Secretary of the KIP, Nunik Purwanti, in her report said that this award was the final stage of monitoring and evaluating public information disclosure, where the entire process had been carried out since August. This Monev was carried out on 372 public bodies with 7 categories namely Ministries, Non-Ministry Government Institutions, Non-Structural Institutions, Provincial Governments, PTN, BUMN and Political Parties. While the assessment is based on 5 qualifications namely Informative, Towards Informative, Quite Informative, Less Informative and Not Informative. Based on monitoring and evaluation, it showed a very significant increase with the number of public bodies that entered the informative qualifications, namely 122 out of 372 public bodies. This exceeds the 2022 RPJMN target of 98 public bodies. This award is a form of appreciation for the commitment of public bodies and their leaders who have supported and optimized the implementation of public information disclosure in accordance with the mandate of Law Number 14 of 2008.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the KIP, Donny Yoesgiantoro, in his remarks said that this award was one of the forms or ways of the Central IC to continue to advance public information openness throughout the government of public bodies. He believes that this public information disclosure is essential, fundamental and is a principle of good government and clean government. By doing this, he wants the participation of public bodies to increase and public participation to grow. This award is not merely a ceremonial award but rather a form of announcement and accountability to the public for the implementation of public information disclosure. This award also describes the condition of public information openness in public bodies so that they must jointly increase their commitment to implementing the principles of public information openness.

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Prof. Mohammad Mahfud MD in his direction representing the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia conveyed the existence of the Law on public information disclosure providing space for the public to be able to participate in the process of making public policies, the existence of public participation will certainly be able to realize good and clean governance because the public participates in the process designing policies and participating in overseeing them. The development of information technology also has a negative impact if we are not able to balance it with the right information. Public agencies must be proactive in disseminating information that is accurate, true and reliable in order to counteract hoax information and strengthen our national security. The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs also appealed to public bodies to carry out what was mandated in the Public Information Disclosure Law properly and the Central Information Commission to encourage public agencies to continue to improve public information disclosure. It is hoped that in the coming year the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs will have more public bodies that can fulfill their compliance in implementing public information disclosure.

On a separate occasion, the Rector of Unud, Prof. Antara expressed his gratitude to the Academic Community for their support so that Unud received an award from the Central Information Commission as an Informative PTN in 2022.