BPIP RI Collaborates with Udayana University and Kompas TV to Hold Seminar on Pancasila 2022 Series 5

The Republic of Indonesia Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP RI) together with Udayana University (Unud) and Kompas TV held the Pancasila 2022 Series 5 Seminar which was held in a hybrid manner with the main location point at the Widya Sabha Auditorium, Monday (21/11/2022). The seminar raised the theme "Pancasila Inspires the World for Prosperity and Peace".

There were 5 speakers present in this activity including Dr. Darmansjah Djumala, S.E., M.A as BPIP RI Expert Council for Foreign Relations Strategy, Brigadier General TNI Heru Langlang Buana, S.I.P., M.Sc. as Deputy Commander of the TNI Peacekeeping Mission Center, Bernarda Rurit as the Author of Pancasila Books from Indonesia for the World, Nara Masista Rakhmatia as Indonesian Diplomat/First Secretary of PTRI Geneva, and Laksmi De Neefe Suardana as Miss Indonesia 2022.

Secretary of the RI BPIP Steering Committee Major General TNI (Purn) Wisnu Bawa Tenaya, S.I.P. in his remarks said that the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, through the G20 activities, had called for an end to war in order to achieve prosperity and revival of the world economy. Of course this is in accordance with the existing Pancasila values. This seminar activity carries the theme Pancasila, World Inspiration for Prosperity and Peace, in line with the spirit that Indonesia wants to spread.

While the Rector of Unud, Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara in his remarks said that Pancasila is a national consensus that we all agree on. Pancasila as the Foundation of the State, View of Life, Guide to Life, Spirit of the Indonesian Nation, National Personality and Source of Law and Highest Aspirations. Of course, to realize the Values ​​of Pancasila in Action and in Alignment with the Vision of Udayana University, namely Excellence, Independence, and Culture, the Udayana University Education curriculum has accommodated Pancasila in Learning Materials to build insight into Nationalism in a global social environment.

The Rector further said that through the Pancasila National Seminar, World Inspiration for Prosperity and Peace this time is a vehicle for all of us to share and renew the spirit in all of us, how do we interpret and appreciate the historical heritage of Pancasila as the Peak of Regional Indonesian Culture with Diversity Single Ika.