Public Hearing of RUU-KUHP, Kemenkumham RI Together with Udayana University Held "KUMHAM GOES TO CAMPUS"

The Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) was present at Udayana University (Unud) in the "KUMHAM GOES TO CAMPUS" event, Friday (11/11/2022) which took place in the Agrocomplex Building Hall of the Unud Sudirman Campus Denpasar. Kumham Goes to Campus was held in order to follow up on the directives of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, so that the drafting team for the Draft Criminal Code (RUU KUHP) carried out massive outreach to the public.

This activity presented six speakers namely: 1. Prof. Eddy Hiarej (Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia), 2. Prof. Marcus Priyo Gunarto (Professor of Criminal Law UGM), 3. Dr. Zainal Arifin Mochtar (Expert in Constitutional Law), 4. Dr. Albert Aries (Member of the RKUHP Discussion and Outreach Team), 5. Arteria Dahlan (Member of the Indonesian Parliament), and 6. Ambeg Paramarta (Menkumham Expert Staff for Politics and Security).

Rector of Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng., IPU in opening this event expressed his gratitude to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights for involving Udayana University in participating in the successful implementation of the Kumham Goes to Campus activity which is an academic activity that is beneficial to society, especially for academics at Udayana University. The material discussed in this activity is the Draft Criminal Code. "I believe that the material for the RUU KUHP will not only be consumed by legal observers, such as legal practitioners, lecturers and/or law faculty students," said the Rector.

The Criminal Code Bill as an aspired law, should have been known and understood from an early age by all groups of society, before later the bill is passed into an official legal product and is binding on the public. Society certainly needs information and knowledge about crucial matters that will be regulated as legal norms, which will be obeyed by the community itself.

Kumham Goes to Campus is a form of holding a public hearing and can be used as a space for dialogue involving the community (especially academics in the Udayana University) and the government (in this case the Ministry of Law and Human Rights) regarding the Criminal Code Bill. Therefore the academic community at Udayana University who were present on this occasion had space to provide input on the substance of the Criminal Code Bill which is being drafted or being refined.

Meanwhile Vice Minister of Law and Human Rights Prof. Eddy Hiarej in this case said that this activity at Udayana University was the last day of the Kumham Goes to Campus program which aims to introduce Kumham to the community so that Kumham is close to the community, as well as we use this opportunity as a public dialogue on the Criminal Code Bill. He admitted that he received a lot of input from Unud students including providing written input which would be taken into consideration in the discussion meeting at the DPR RI.

Vice Minister of Law and Human Rights said there were three reasons why the Criminal Code Bill was important and urgent to be completed because the draft Criminal Code Bill had been discussed for a very long time, the current Criminal Code had expired, and there were different translations in the Criminal Code itself. In the discussion at the Udayana University Campus, he admitted that he received a lot of constructive input from the Kumham Goes to Campus activities which have been carried out by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. "I think we are reformulating several articles and there are articles that have been revoked based on public input, like five articles that we have withdrawn, but later there will be discussion of around eight to nine items on November 21, 2022," he said.