150th Graduation, Udayana University Releases 1,427 Graduates and 48 of them Receive Doctoral Degrees

Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) held its 150th Graduation at the Widya Sabha Auditorium, Jimbaran Campus, Saturday (15/10/2022). In this graduation period, the Chancellor of Udayana University released 1,427 graduates consisting of 48 Doctors, 277 Masters, 13 Specialists, 102 Professions, 968 Bachelors and 19 Diplomas. Of the number of graduates, 410 of them won the title with Praise or Cum Laude. Meanwhile, the number of alumni of Unud to date has reached 112,306 people. In this graduation period, the top three graduates came from the Faculty of Engineering as many as 308 people, followed by the Faculty of Medicine 200 people and the Faculty of Law 177 people.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, MP in his report said that today's graduates were dominated by women, with a total of 744 people, while only 683 male graduates. In terms of academic achievement, the GPA of female graduates is better than that of male graduates, where the GPA of female graduates is 3.74 while the average GPA of male graduates is 3.67. The average study period for women is 7.6 semesters while for men the study period is 8.5 semesters. The scholarship recipients were 194 graduates from 25 scholarship providers, of which 129 students received the Bidikmisi or KIP Lecture scholarships. Overall the average GPA is quite good, namely 3.84 for the Doctoral program; 3.83 for Master program; 3.85 for the Specialist program; 3.71 for the Profession program; 3.70 for the Bachelor program, and 3.72 for the Diploma program.

He hopes that through the education that has been taken, graduates will not only master science but also live intelligent lives by prioritizing good personalities in work and society, always have dedication, innovation and collaboration in work.

While the Rector of Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.,IPU in his speech said that at this graduation there were 6 graduates at the undergraduate level, namely students who successfully passed the entrepreneurial student program. This is a proud achievement because they will create jobs from the start. The Rector also appreciated all graduates because in the midst of limitations due to the impact of the pandemic they were able to complete their education well.

Through this opportunity, the Rector also informed about the plan of Udayana University in transforming into a State University with a Legal Entity (PTN BH). This is in line with the policy of the Ministry of Education and Culture and through PTN BH, universities have autonomy in carrying out governance in empowering all assets owned. This independent asset empowerment is expected to maximize the ability of higher education institutions to improve the quality of educational services provided. PTN BH is not a form of commercialization of education or privatization of education, but purely to improve the quality of education services. To support this, Unud is also concentrating on building some infrastructure. Outside of infrastructure matters, Unud continues to improve academic quality through several strategies, 3 of which are improving the quality of study program accreditation ratings towards excellence, encouraging students to graduate on time, and increasing student participation in the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program. This is important to be important for the Main Performance Indicators (KPI) of Higher Education.

The Rector advised all graduates to be wise in applying the knowledge that has been obtained and implementing the knowledge for the betterment of society, nation and state as well as participating in filling out online questionnaire instruments in the implementation of tracer studies which have an important role in efforts to improve and develop the quality of education at Udayana University.