633 Athletes Join the First Rector Cup Udayana University

The Rector Cup held by Udayana University (Unud) was officially opened by Rector of Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M. Eng, IPU. Tuesday (11/10/22) which took place at the Widya Sabha Building, Bukit Jimbaran Campus. The opening ceremony was symbolically marked by the Rector as the referee in a Taekwondo match. Present at this opening ceremony were Vice Rectors of Unud, Vice Rector III of Untirta, Vice Rector III of Warmadewa University, Vice Deans III of Unud, Head of the Student Affairs Bureau, Chair of Bali Percasi PengProv, Chair of Bali Taekwondo PengProv, Chair of Bali Perbasi Provincial Pengprov, Chair of IPSI Bali Provincial Pengprov, Chairperson PengProv Wushu Bali, Representatives of BDP Bali, Chairman of DPM Unud and other invitees.

Cokorda Rai Adi Pramartha, Ph.D as the chairman of the committee in his report said that the Udayana University Rector Cup is a national level sports competition (multi event/sports) which will be held annually by Udayana University which is intended for students from all universities. existing in Indonesia. For now, the Rector's Cup activities are held for 1 week, namely 11-17 October 2022.

The implementation of the Rector's Cup aims to develop interests and talents and strengthen student character through sports. The Rector's Cup is a follow-up to the Udayana University student athlete program which was opened this year to the public. The Rector Cup competed in 5 sports, namely Basketball, Chess, Pencak Silat, Taekwondo and Wushu. The number of participants who took part in the competition consisted of 633 athletes (395 students and 238 students). Participants who took part in this competition came from 29 universities, 8 provinces, and 4 islands (West Nusa Tenggara, Bali, Java, and Sumatra). The matches were held at the Widya Sabha Hall for Taekwondo, Nusantara Room for Chess, Lila Bhuwana Sports Center for Pencak Silat, Ngurah Rai Sports Hall for Wushu, and Bali League Basketball Arena.

The chairman of KONI Bali I Gusti Ngurah Oka Darmawan expressed his extraordinary appreciation to the Rector of Unud for carrying out a sports activity with the Rector Cup packaging. This Rector Cup activity is very helpful for KONI activities or government activities in the field of sports, especially achievement sports. Not only achievements but also how to make students, the Indonesian people healthy, fit, and with character. Next year, it is hoped that there will be more participants participating in the Udayana University Rector's Cup event from all universities in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Unud Prof. Antara in his speech expressed his gratitude and highest appreciation to the students who participated in the Udayana University Rector's Cup event. "Welcome to Bali, welcome to Udayana University which is the oldest university in Bali," said Prof. Antara.

Through this Rector Cup activity, it is hoped that students will develop a sportsmanship spirit to achieve further, because with a sportsmanship spirit, it is hoped that later students will become wise people after participating in this activity. The Rector hopes to establish communication between students, between universities and the academic community in it, even though different universities sit together to communicate, so that later good communication will be established and a sense of togetherness will grow. This Rector Cup activity is the first activity carried out after the covid pandemic for 2 years and hopefully this activity provides a good formula, of course there are still many shortcomings that occur. The Rector hopes that this activity is sustainable and is ready to cooperate with KONI Bali to jointly develop athletes in the province of Bali.