Welcoming the 60th Anniversary, Udayana University holds Prabu Udayana's Napak Tilas

Udayana University held Prabu Udayana's Napak Tilas in order to welcome the 60th Anniversary on Friday (12/08/2022). The Napak Tilas, which is routinely carried out every year, is filled with praying to several temples in the Gianyar Regency, namely Durghakutri Temple, Gunung Kawi Temple, Tirta Mengening Temple, and Tirta Empul Temple.

The 60th Anniversary Napak Tilas was not only carried out by the Dies Natalis committee, but together with the Rector, the Vice Rectors and their ranks, then the Deans and staff from 13 faculties, as well as ranks from the General Bureau Unit, BAKH Bureau, Planning and Finance Bureau and Student Affairs Bureau with a total of approximately 400 people.

Prabu Udayana's Napak Tilas aims to ask for the safety and smooth running of every activity carried out in commemoration of the Dies Natalis which culminates on September 29, 2022. The 60th Anniversary will be held offline and designed with a different concept from the previous year's implementation which was limited due to the Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) in Bali Province and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Chairman of the 60th Anniversary Dr. Ir. Gede Suarta, M.Si said that this year's anniversary will be designed with a different concept from the previous year. In the series, there will be community service, blood donors to family events marked by various interesting competitions. “In accordance with the Rector direction, this 60th Anniversary must be different from the previous year. Because the last two years we have been silent due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, Udayana University must rise up," he said.

He added that later through the implementation of blood donors, it is targeted to break the record with the largest number and Udayana University will continue to provide the best for the people in Bali.

Meanwhile, the Rector of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng., IPU said that the implementation of Napak Tilas meant that as a successor, Sang Hyang Lelangit was given the task to bring Udayana University to a better state. In addition, this Napak Tilas also commemorates the journey of King Udayana so that we can all live the existence of Udayana University with his ancestors. "We would like to thank the entire committee for the anniversary, so that the anniversary celebration which was preceded by Napak Tilas could take place well," he said.

He hopes that this prayer will give meaning that the institution of Udayana University can be even better in the future.