Ready to Transform into PTN BH, Udayana University Holds Socialization

Udayana University (Unud) carried out the Transformation Socialization of Legal Entity State Universities (PTN BH) at Udayana University, Thursday (4/8/2022) in the BH Building Hall, Faculty of Economics and Business, Denpasar Campus. This socialization was carried out in order to provide understanding to the academic community about PTN BH.

The socialization was carried out in a hybrid manner which was attended directly by the Rector, Vice Rectors, Heads of Institutions, Deans and Postgraduate Directors, and other leaders. Also attending online through Webex Meeting and Youtube Udayana TV by the academic community of Udayana University. This socialization presented two resource persons, including the Director of Institutional Dr. Lukman, S.T., M. Hum and Plt. Secretary of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Kemdikbudristek Prof. Tjitjik Srie Tjahjandarie Dra., Ph.D.

Rector of Udayana University Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara said that Udayana University was preparing to upgrade its status to PTN BH. Currently, Udayana University has the status of a Public Service Agency (BLU) PTN which has been running since 2011. According to the Rector, Udayana University has achieved excellent accreditation which is the basic capital for PTN BH. In addition, PTN BH can provide wider asset management autonomy, so that asset empowerment at Udayana University which is currently not running optimally in the future can increase. In addition, the increase in the status of PTN BH encourages Udayana University to improve the quality of education and human resource performance, so that the quality of services will also increase.

“The status of PTN BH is also in order to provide an increase in the quality of higher education to the community. When the quality of higher education has been achieved, the next step is to improve efficiency in higher education governance to make it better. After improving service quality and efficiency, then towards a more autonomous higher education management,” explained the Rector.

The Rector explained that his party had taken steps to encourage the improvement of the status of PTN BH. The Rector has formed a committee in charge of conducting studies, digging up information, and collecting data related to the potential of Udayana University to become a PTN BH. The study shows that Udayana University has met the required indicators, even some indicators have exceeded their achievements. The Rector added that Udayana University's readiness to go to PTN BH had been conveyed to the Ministry of Education and Culture. The ministry welcomes and supports Udayana University's steps to immediately improve its status.

"The recommendation from the initial report is that Unud has been recommended to become a PTN BH. From that report, we followed up to agree with the leadership to move together. We also reported to the Minister of Education and Technology a few months ago that we were ready to become a PTN BH and asked for directions. He really supports us towards PTN BH,” explained the Rector.

The Rector emphasized the context of PTN BH, namely efficiency, improving service quality, increasing autonomy, and improving performance. He hopes that this socialization can provide an understanding of PTN BH to the academic community, so that the PTN BH transformation process goes well. (med)