Udayana University Extends Cooperation with Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa'e

Jimbaran - Udayana University (Unud) and Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL) again extended the cooperation between the two parties, which was marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Nusa Room, Jimbaran Campus Rectorate Building, Monday (11/07/2022). In this activity, a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) was also signed between the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Unud and the Faculty of Agriculture, UNTL.

The collaboration between Udayana University and the Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL) Timor Leste was initiated in 2017 through the signing of the MoU on 14 June 2017. The extension of this collaboration is in order to follow up on technical cooperation in various fields of Tri Dharma PT, one of which was initiated by the Faculty Udayana University Animal Husbandry with the UNTL Faculty of Agriculture in the field of Scientific, Research and Community Service Collaboration.

Present at the signing of the MoU were the Rector of Unud, Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information, Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Dean of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Team, Deputy II Postgraduate, Vice Dean III FEB, and Chair of IKAYANA. Meanwhile, the UNTL members who attended were the Rector, Vice Rector, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Science and Health, the Director General and the Director of the Department.

Rector of Unud Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.,IPU in his speech conveyed a glimpse of Udayana University, which is currently in the form of a BLU and will soon be heading to PTN BH like other major universities. The university's current accreditation is Superior, where only 27 universities in Indonesia have achieved it. There are 118 Study Programs and 27 percent of them are very well accredited and will develop themselves to international accreditation, where this year 14 study programs are programmed and next year 12 more study programs, so there will be an additional 9 Unud internationally accredited study programs will have 35 internationally accredited study programs such as FIBAA, ASIIN and so on. It also wants to increase the student body.

Regarding this collaboration with UNTL, the Rector wants to develop cooperation with other faculties besides Fapet and Fapet itself will also be drawn to cooperate with universities from other countries. Cooperation is carried out to be expanded. The Rector hopes that this collaboration will not only be limited to the MoU, but that the program must be implemented. His party is also open to expanding the cooperation of the two parties, where one focus can be on the MBKM program through student exchanges. The cooperation unit should guard it so that the MoU is not only normative and ceremonial, if possible there will be implementation or substantive realization as soon as possible.

While the Rector of UNTL Prof. dr. Joao Soares Martins on this occasion said that his party was very happy to be able to visit Unud because he was also an alumni. We already have an MoU and it is agreed that the MoU is not only a formality but must be implemented. UNTL is the only state-owned university with one polytechnic. UNTL itself is a combination of the University of East Timor with Poltek Dilli, which after the referendum merged into UNTL. One thing I want to learn from Unud is establishing a Doctoral Program considering that several faculties have many Doctorates. UNTL also has several foreign partnerships such as with Portugal, Brazil, Australia and Japan. His party expressed his appreciation to Unud for helping human resources, where many Unud graduates have become officials in Timor Leste. We want a follow-up program from the collaboration, one of which is related to postgraduate and research and invites the Rector of Udayana University to give speeches such as orations at UNTL.

During this visit, the UNTL delegation will also make visits to the Faculty of Medicine, and visits to the Faculty of Animal Science as well as giving open lectures for undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral students at the Faculty of Animal Science.