Udayana University Holds Declaration of Udayana University Professors Forum

Denpasar - Located in the Central Park Area (Green Open Space) of Udayana University, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar, the Declaration of the Udayana University Professor Forum was held, Friday (25/3/2022). As the Chair of the Udayana University Professors Forum, Prof. Dr. dr. Ketut Suastika, Sp.PD-KE. The Declaration of the Udayana University Professors Forum was carried out by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs on behalf of the Rector of Udayana University. The purpose of establishing this FGB is to assist the Rector of Udayana University and the Government in providing input in the form of strategic ideas that are beneficial to institutions, the nation and the state and to become members of the Indonesian Professors Forum.

Secretary of Udayana University Professor Forum Prof. Dr. drh. Nyoman Sadra Dharmawan, MS in his speech representing the Chair of the Udayana University Professor Forum expressed his gratitude that this activity was held because it could be a medium of friendship for Udayana University Professors. There are several things that were conveyed by the Secretary of the Forum, where this forum is really to embrace as a place or forum for Professors, both active and re-appointed, and so far there are 204 Professors who are registered, if compared to the number of lecturers, it still needs to be encouraged. Of the 204 175 are permanent professors, and 29 are not permanent, then there are still others who have not been registered, and will be updated periodically. The 204 professors were asked by the Rector to contribute ideas according to their respective fields. The Secretary of the Forum on behalf of the Professors thanked the leadership of Udayana University who initiated the establishment of this forum. Based on the agreement, six divisions were created. It was also agreed to hold a meeting every six months, but the division was given the opportunity to hold a special meeting if there were strategic issues. Every six months the Udayana University Professor Forum members will be updated and through this opportunity the Secretary of the Forum invites together to take advantage of this forum, for Udayana University success.

While the Rector of Udayana University in his speech delivered by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, MP said that Professors or Professors have responsibilities in developing concepts, future scientific thinking, and contributing to institutions. The Udayana University Professor is one of the elements of the academic community who should play a role in contributing ideas to institutional, nation, state and world stakeholders. Based on these considerations, Udayana University deems it necessary to form a Professor Forum which is expected to assist the Rector and the Government in providing input in the form of strategic thoughts that are beneficial to institutions, the nation and the state. This forum is also expected to motivate and provide input for future professors, and actively participate in academic activities at Udayana University.

In this declaration event, it was also conveyed regarding the grand design of Udayana University future development plan, one of which was the construction of supporting infrastructure by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Udayana University.

There are six divisions in this FGB, namely the Education Division with Prof. Ir. I Made Supartha Utama, MS., Ph.D, Research Division with Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Suarna, MS, Community Service Division with Prof. Dr. dr. I Made Wiryana, Sp.An.KIC, Division of Local (Regional) Issues with Prof. Dr. I Wayan Ramantha, SE., MM., Ak., CPA, National Issues Division with Prof. Dr. Drs. Yohanes Usfunan, SH., M. Hum, and the International Issues Division with Prof. Ir. I Gede Putu Wirawan, M.Sc.,Ph.D.