Faculty of Medicine Udayana University Holds the Peak of the 60th BKFK Celebration

Denpasar - Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Family Medical Faculty (BKFK), where the peak of the celebration was held in the Meeting Room of dr. A.A Made Djelantik Sudirman Campus Denpasar, Sunday (20/3/2022). The theme of the BKFK celebration this time is "Ekawira Adikarya Nawasena Ing Loka" which has the meaning of one soul, one determination to create the best work towards a bright future for the Faculty of Medicine in the international world.

Present at the celebration were the Rector of Udayana University and the Vice Rectors, Rector of Warmadewa University, Director of Sanglah Hospital and the ranks, Deans and Vice Deans of Faculty of Medicine, Chair of the Faculty Senate, Study Programs Coordinator and the entire academic community of the Faculty of Medicine. Also attending online were the Dean of the Faculty and other Leaders in the Unud environment as well as invitees and other civitas.

Chairman of the Committee I Wayan Ryan Sidharta Putrayana in his report said that many activities had been passed, starting with Blood Donation, International Webinars, online community service in the form of education on healthy living through Social Media, Funbikes and Mangrove Planting, Grand Final Jegeg Bagus and this time the event was held culmination and post-service graduation. The Chairperson of the Committee appreciated all parties who contributed to the success of this activity which aims to strengthen the relationship between fellow members of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University.

Representatives of the Faculty BEM in his speech said that this BKFK was not only a celebration, but also a place for developing the potential of the academic community. BKFK is also a place to meet miss and is something that is looked forward to every year, where all elements are involved in this celebration. It is hoped that this annual event can strengthen family ties to achieve the success that they aspire to and hopefully the next steps will be launched.

Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Udayana University, Dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih in his speech said that the Government has launched the Healthy Indonesia program and various health transformations have been pursued. Faculty of Medicine Udayana University as an educational institution is required to strive optimally to achieve a Healthy Indonesia. Currently, Faculty of Medicine Udayana University is 60 years old and is of a mature age so it is expected to be able to contribute maximally. For this reason, we must unite the vision, movement and steps to advance the institution according to their respective duties, because success is determined by all the elements involved. The challenges in the future will increase, so let's see this challenge as an opportunity to develop ourselves. The Dean also expects external support and partners for the development of Faculty of Medicine in the future.

Rector of Udayana University Prof. I Nyoman Gde Antara in his speech said Dirgahayu Faculty of Medicine Udayana University, hopefully it can realize its vision and mission to achieve Healthy Indonesia and Advanced Indonesia. Furthermore, the Rector conveyed several things related to the existence of Faculty of Medicine and future programs carried out at Udayana University. In the academic field, the Rector expects Study Programs that have achieved Excellent or Excellent accreditation to move on to international accreditation. Besides that, several new study programs will also be formed, one of which is MARS which does not yet exist in Bali. The Rector is committed to the future development of Udayana University, where in the future the student body can increase after capacity building is increased. The student's study period must also be considered in order to graduate on time. Besides that, the Rector also informed several things, namely the Udayana University Professorship Forum, offline lectures, construction of supporting infrastructure facilities such as the RSGM, Lecture Building with a capacity of about 40 lecture rooms, student dormitories with a capacity of 6000 beds, a new Dean, then recruitment of new students through the achievement path. to increase the number of outstanding students and the establishment of an International Academic Council to accelerate internationalization. The Rector appreciated the hard work so far.

The highlight of the celebration was marked by the cutting of the cone by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and also filled with awards for outstanding lecturers, post-service graduations, and entertainment events.