The Rector of Udayana University takes the oath / pledge of 61 Civil Servants and Functional Officials in the Udayana University Environment

Udayana University held Oath-Taking / Pledge of Civil Servants and Inauguration and Oath-Taking / Pledge of Functional Officials, Monday (30/11/2020). The Rector's Oath / Promise-Taking was only attended by civil servant representatives and others followed it online through the Unud Webex application. This Oath / Promise-taking event was also attended by the leaders of the Udayana University environment, both online and in person at the location of the Widya Sabha Auditorium, Jimbaran Campus.

Head of the Human Resources Section of Udayana University I Gusti Ngurah Agung Juliawan in his report said that the implementation of Oath-Taking / Promising for Civil Servants as well as Inauguration and Taking Oaths / Promises for Functional Officials is in accordance with what is mandated by Government Regulation Number 11 of 2017 and Regulation of the Head of BKN Number 7 of 2017 There were 61 civil servants and functional officials who took their oath / promise on this occasion.

Meanwhile, The Rector of Udayana University Prof. AA Raka Sudewi said that taking this Oath / Promise, aims to foster and create Civil Servants who are Clean, Honest, Neutral, free from political intervention, Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism, upholding the ethics of their position, and being loyal and obedient to Pancasila and The 1945 Constitution. Taking Oaths / Promises takes place virtually due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation and of course this does not diminish the meaning of the Oaths / Promises that have been made because God is everywhere. The Rector congratulated and hoped that the civil servants could immediately carry out the mandate as well as possible as a form of service and service to the community, nation and state.