Signing of the Extension of the Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation Agreement between Udayana University and Donggala Regency

Udayana University and the Donggala Regency Government extended the Memorandum of Understanding as well as the Cooperation Agreement between the Medical Faculty and the Regional Hospital of the Regional Hospital of Donggala Regency, Tuesday (11/24/2020), at the Meeting Room Prof. dr. I Goesti Ngoerah Gde Ngoerah FK Unud Sudirman Campus Denpasar.

The signing ceremony was attended by the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information who in this case represented the Rector of Udayana University, Vice Dean I FK Unud, Head of Surgical Specialists Departement, Head of Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialists Departement, Head of Anesthesiology and Reanimation Specialist Departement and UPIKS FK Unud while Donggala Regency was represented by Head of Yanmed and Nursing and Kasie Yanmed RSUD Kabelota.

Vice Rector Prof. IB Wyasa Putra in his speech conveyed that basically the cooperation between the two parties has been going well and because of the extraordinary achievements in strengthening joint service to the community, so that this cooperation is considered worthy of being continued. The Vice Rector welcomes the continuation of the cooperation that has been established and hopes that this cooperation can be increased and beneficial for both parties as well as for people who need health services.

Meanwhile, the Head of Yanmed and Nursing at RSUD Kabelota Ahmad, SKM, MM conveyed that the Hospital has been greatly helped through this collaboration in providing services to the community. The RSUD has been short on personnel and human resources and Udayana University has been very helpful in sending senior resident personnel. Ahmad hopes that this collaboration can continue in order to provide services to the community.