BEM PM Organize Online Student Day 2020 for New Student

BEM PM Udayana University held an online Udayana University Student Day 2020 with the theme "Ksatria Adibrata Upangganing Dharma" at the Widya Sabha Auditorium, Bukit Jimbaran Campus. Tuesday, (8/9/2020).

Student Day 2020 was attended by 5,545 new students from 13 Faculties, and lasted for two days (8-9 September 2020). The event was officially opened by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Made Sudarma, MS which was marked by sticking kayon and embedding participant signs to new student representatives who were accompanied by the Head of DPM, the President of BEM PM and the Chair of the 2020 Student Day committee.

The Student Day activity which lasted for two days was filled with a General Studium by presenting three speakers, namely (1) Cania Citta Ilanie with the material "Optimizing the Role of the Young Generation in Realizing a Golden Indonesia in 2045 through the Spirit of Love for the Motherland"; (2) Faith Usman with the material "Reparation of the World of Education in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and New Normal Life"; and (3) Susi Pudjiastuti with the material "Generating the Strength and Geostrategic of the Indonesian Nation to Achieve National Resilience in the Life of the Nation and State". On this occasion, there was also a Creative Campaign with the theme "Generations of Concern" from Raymond Maxwell Njotorahardjo, B.Sc., M.Th.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. I Made Sudarma, MS gave his appreciation for the implementation of Student Day which will be held online in 2020. WR III conveyed that in the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic, student achievement could be measured by digital technology, this could be seen from the online webinars or competitions that were held during the pandemic period, so that students were expected to be able to prepare themselves to face today's technology. Student achievements in 2020 are quite encouraging, the KBMI program, which has a quota of 10 proposals to enter the Higher Education, has been awarded five proposals. In addition, for the Village Development Guidance Grant Program (PHP2D), 12 proposals received by 2 proposals were submitted, as well as PKM that passed 2020, namely 54 which had been funded.

WR III hopes that the implementation of Student Day 2020 which lasts for two days will run smoothly and can be followed properly by new students of Udayana University.