Rector of Udayana University Inaugurated Prof. Ni Nyoman Rupiasih, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D as Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Jimbaran - Friday (4/9/2020) an inauguration ceremony was held for the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University at the Widya Sabha Auditorium, Jimbaran Campus. The inauguration ceremony was attended by the Chairperson of the Senate, Vice Rectors, Deans and Deputy Deans of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Head of Bureau and was followed online by other invitees.

Prof. Ni Nyoman Rupiasih replaced and continued the tenure of the previous Vice Dean, the late Prof. Dr. I Wayan Gede Gunawan, who passed away some time ago.

The Rector of Udayana University Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi in his remarks hopes that the Dean and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences can always work together well and support the new Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information in carrying out future tasks. Furthermore, the Chancellor said that the inauguration this time should be interpreted primarily from the point of view of organizational interests, not just the placement of official figures at certain levels of office and interests. Organizational reform and strengthening in order to improve performance and maximum implementation of duties and services. The main considerations used in determining the position for each ASN are competence, dedication and commitment to duties and responsibilities to the institution.

The Rector also congratulated the new officials and hoped to carry out his duties as well as possible with a full sense of responsibility, and as much as possible immediately adjust to the situation and conditions in the workplace.