Napak Tilas Prabu Udayana Serangkaian Dies Natalis Ke-58 Universitas Udayana

Gianyar - Wednesday (2/9/2020) to coincide with Rahina Purnama Sasih Katiga, Udayana University, conducted the Napak Tilas Prabu Udayana, namely Gunung Kawi Temple, Tirta Mengening Temple, Tirta Empul Temple and Durghakutri Temple. This commemoration was carried out by a series of commemoration of the 58th Anniversary of Udayana University followed by the Rector, Vice Rectors, Chair of the Institute, Head of Bureau, Deans and Postgraduate Directors and the Anniversary Committee.

Even though it had rained, the prayers at each temple visited went well. This commemoration is in order to request the safety and smoothness of every activity carried out in commemoration of the Anniversary which culminates on September 29, 2020. Various activities will be carried out to commemorate this year's Dies Natalis, where most of the activities will be carried out online considering the pandemic period and implementation health protocol.