Udayana University Held 136th Graduation Online of 670 Graduates

Jimbaran - Udayana University for the first time in history held Graduations online Covid-19 Pandemic, Saturday (06/06/2020). The 136th Graduation was also broadcast live through live streaming on Udayana TV on Youtube and University Facebook Social Media. At the 136th graduation, the Chancellor of Udayana University released 670 graduates consisting of 19 Diploma Programs, 504 Bachelor Programs, 73 Professional Programs, 33 Specialist Doctor Programs, 24 Master Program Masters and 17 Doctoral Programs. In total, there are 96,992 Udayana University graduates.

The online graduation procession located in Auditorium Building Widya Sabha, Jimbaran Campus. The graduation ceremony was attended directly by the Chancellor of Udayana University, Senate Chairperson, Vice-Chancellor and three Graduates who represented the S1, S2 and S3 Strata. While other graduates and leaders at Udayana University and other Senate members participated in  online procession through the Udayana Webex Application from their respective residences.

The 136th graduation was dominated by 420 female graduates and 250 male graduates. Viewed in terms of academic achievement, graduates, the GPA of female graduates is also better than male graduates. The average female GPA is 3.67 while the average male GPA is 3.60. Likewise for the study period, female graduates are better than men, namely the average study period for women is 7.74 semesters while for men the longer study period is 8.41 semesters.

Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng in his report said that since Covid-19 pandemic, lectures were conducted online and several other activities such as examinations, meetings and guidance were also conducted online. This pandemic also made the implementation of Yudisium, the graduation and oath at the Faculty level carried out online for the first time in history. This is done with the consideration that the safety of the lives of the academic community and the community and the whole family must be put above everything.

Udayana University 136th  online Graduation Ceremony held considering several things including unpredictable pandemic disaster, while the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education had to be continued; Considerations from the University Senate; Requests from many prospective graduates to graduate online because they are in their hometown. Besides, many prospective graduates need  graduation certificate, transcripts for the need to apply for jobs, continue their studies to a higher level and so forth.

Graduates who graduated today will be given a digital copy of the certificate, a digital copy of the Transcript and a digital copy of the Alumni Card. This digital copy will be uploaded and can be downloaded through IMISSU account by each graduate. While the original documents will be submitted later time through further notice taking into account of situation and conditions.

While Unud Chancellor Prof. Dr. dr. AA Raka Sudewi, Sp.S (K) in her speech said that Online Graduation is a policy adopted by Udayana University for graduates who have fulfilled the requirements to attend the graduation procession, bearing in mind that many graduates need certificate to continue their education and report to the workplace institutions for those who receives scholarship.

The Chancellor further said that the spread of the plague that is currently affecting almost all regions in Indonesia has brought various impacts on people's lives. In addition to the economic impact, this epidemic also had an impact on education which caused the learning process to not run as it should. However our young generation must continue the learning process as a provision to face the future. In response to this, Udayana University has brought various policies in tackling the impacts caused.

This pandemic is expected to end soon and we can move as usual. The government has also established a new normal order for the continuation of the implementation of duties and functions in the administration of government and public services while continuing to prioritize health and safety.

Ending his remarks, the Chancellor of Udayana University advised all graduates to always be wise in applying the knowledge that has been obtained, using the knowledge gained to build this nation. The Chancellor also invited the whole community to always follow the prevention protocol, among others by implementing social distancing, using masks, diligently washing hands or using hand sanitizers, and always maintaining health in an effort to break Covid-19 spreading both for yourself, family and nation.

Deputy graduate Putu Wahyu Widyatmika in his message and his impression conveyed many lessons learned while studying at Udayana University. The university always forges students to become human beings who  are excel and kind. achievement is a reflection of  hard work and support of all parties, and this title will be offered to families. The Deputy Graduates also gave appreciation to the university and lecturers and scholarship providers.

As alumni, we can contribute and give something to the alma mater by showing that we are superior, independent, and cultured alumni who are useful and have a positive impact on society. (HM)