45th Gema Bhakti Saraswati Holds Ngelawar and Gebogan Competition
In order to welcome Saraswati Day, Udayana University Hindu Dharma Student Brotherhood Forum held "Gema Bhakti Saraswati XLV". The series of 45th Gema Bhakti events began with Mereresik, gebongan and ngelawar race, joint offerings, literary nights and banyu pinaruh. Saraswati's prayer activities focus on two places, namely Padmasana Sudirman and Padmasana bukit.
For Gebogan Competition and Ngelawar Competition held on Friday (10/05/2019) at Padmasana Widya Maha Amrtha, Sudirman Campus. It was attended by 7 participants in each branch of the race, and came from various faculties at Udayana University. I Nyoman Sucipta, as an advisor of FPMHD and a lecturer at Faculty of Agricultural Technology, hopes that not only praying there will be activities that sharpen knowledge as academics. "It is hoped that in the future Udayana University students will, of course, at first be related to Saraswati where Saraswati Day is to commemorate the birth of knowledge in not only praying, there are activities that sharpen our knowledge as academics", said FPMHD advisor.
FPMHD coordinator stated that student participation in Udayana University was very much needed, "I hope the participation of all faculties of Udayana University will enliven this activity, and hopefully in the future this activity will be better," said I Putu Eka April Yanto. (mnk)