Students of KKN PPM Unud help Increase Community Income in Antapan Village Through Developing Trigona Sp Bee (Kele-kele)

Photo of stupidity assistance by Field Supervisor (DPL) of KKN PPM UNUD students to Chair of Manggar Sari Honey Bee Group in Antapan Village

Students in the Real Working Lecture on Community Empowerment Learning at Udayana University (KKN PPM UNUD) for the XVII Period in 2018 totaling 30 people in Antapan Village, Baturiti Subdistrict, Tabanan Regency have carried out the thematic PPM KKN program activities. This activity aims to increase the target community's income through increased productivity and marketing of honey from Trigona Sp. Bees.

Antapan Village, Baturiti Subdistrict, Tabanan Regency as a location for honey bee development activities because the location of this village is in the forest periphery with its natural resource potential in the form of abundant flower availability as bee fodder. Besides that, this village has a honey bee group named; "Manggar Sari Honey Bee Group". Knowledge of how to cultivate bees from this group only comes from experience and has never been touched at all received information about the introduction of good honey beekeeping techniques, techniques for making and using modern bees, harvesting techniques and marketing of their products.

Before going to the location, KKN PPM Unud students conducted observation and coordination accompanied by their Field Supervisor / DPL (Ir. Made Dewantari, M.Sc) and met the Antapan Village Chief (I Nyoman Sunarta, S.IP) along with his village officials and groups Honey bees in the village. From him, he got information that only two months ago, Antapan Village was designated a Tourism Village based on the Decree. Governor. As the DPL hopes that by seeing the situation and conditions of Antapan Village, KKN PPM Unud students can help the development of the Trigona Sp bee cultivation business properly. Given the Trigona Sp bee is one of its properties that has no sting, it is very suitable for beekeeping developed in Antapan one of the tourism village supporters, besides this bee is able to produce honey whose properties are far better than honey produced by honey bees in general, the frequency of honey harvesting can be done 1-3 times a year, and the selling price is much more expensive, and in its maintenance requires large land.

For this reason, various activities have been carried out in Antapan Village, among others: counseling on the techniques of Trigona Sp (Kele-Kele) honey beekeeping as well as hygienic honey production, introduction of modern bee box design and delivery of assistance to livestock groups honey bee.

Students of Unud's KKN PPM serve in Antapan Village from July 21 to August 27, 2018. The activities mentioned above are funded by the KKN PPM Hibristekdikti,

After the activity was carried out, the Village Head along with his village officials and the community of the Manggar Sari Honey Bee Group were very happy and responded positively and determined to develop Trigona Sp species of honey bees with the hope that in the future they could increase the income of honey bee groups in particular as well as village communities in general. also as a tourist attraction that can support the development of Tourism Village in Antapan Village, Baturiti District, Tabanan Regency.

The thematic program activities carried out by KKN PPM Unud students are only limited to the aforementioned activities, but the assistance by the DPL will still be carried out until October 2018 to evaluate the progress of this activity, so that it can ultimately increase the productivity of Trigona Sp bee businesses in Antapan Village.