Denpasar - Udayana University's Faculty of Medicine held a Socialization of National Lecturer Identification Number (NIDN), Special Lecturer Registration Number (NIDK), Educator Serial Number (NUP) and Lecturer Certification in the Meeting Room Dr. A.A Made Djelantik FK Unud Sudirman Campus Denpasar, Monday (10/09/2018). The socialization was opened by the Chancellor of Unud, Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi by presenting speakers from the University Serdos Team. The implementation of this socialization is a struggle to provide an understanding related to the legality aspect for non-permanent lecturers or contract lecturers so that they can contribute to the performance ratings and achievements of Udayana University.

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Ketut Suyasa said that so far there has been no recognition of non-permanent lecturers and contract lecturers in carrying out their duties in the field of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. This causes the publication and writing produced by the lecturer in question have not received recognition and raised the name of the institution because they do not have NIDN or NIDK. Legal aspects are very important to get recognition for lecturers. For this reason, steps taken were taken, one of which was through this socialization activity. The dean also hopes that after this socialization will get a clearer reference so that lecturers can work according to the legality aspect feel safe and comfortable in ensuring the quality of education and making lecturers have standards even though they are different institutions such as lecturers from the Ministry of Health who also teach at the Faculty of Medicine.

Chancellor of Unud, Prof. A.A Raka Sudewi in his speech said that Human Resources is one of the pillars that is important for the policy of advancing the University. The Chancellor said that the Faculty of Medicine has a unique composition of lecturers namely permanent lecturers (PNS), contract lecturers and lecturers from the Ministry of Health. During this time contract lecturers also carry out the activities of Higher Education Tri Dharma but cannot be accommodated for the development and progress of the institution because it has not been certified. For that certification is very important in implementing the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi and one of the requirements is to have NIDN / NIDK. Later, if you already have that, non-permanent lecturers and contract lecturers can contribute to the performance and ranking of Udayana University. The Chancellor also hopes that this socialization can be followed up through an action so that all lecturers can be certified considering that almost all the requirements are already owned. (HM)