WELCOMING DIES NATALIS, DWP Unud Submit Education Assistance

Denpasar - Friday, August 31, 2018, at the Meeting Room of the Rector JL. Dr. Goris Denpasar, Dharma Wanita Unity of Udayana University handed over educational assistance to the sons / daughters of employees in the University. The event held a series of commemoration of the 56th Anniversary of Udayana University which falls on September 29, 2018.

The education assistance provided this time was aimed at 15 sons / daughters of Unud employees from elementary to high school in the form of learning equipment and education funds. The aid recipient is the son / daughter of representatives from 13 faculties and the Head Office of Udayana University. Chairman of DWP Unud, Ny. Ida Ayu Mas Antara hopes that this assistance will be useful to ease the burden on parents in supporting the education of their children. (HM)