Jimbaran - Udayana University conducts verification and interviews on 367 Bidikmisi participants who pass through SNMPTN 2018, Tuesday and Wednesday (24-25 April 2018) at Widya Sabha Auditorium Building, Bukit Jimbaran Campus. The requirements of Bidikmisi scholarship recipients include those who graduate in 2018 with a maximum age of 21 years, are economically incapable, and have good academic potential based on objective and accurate recommendations from the Principal.

Chairman of Udayana University Scholarship Management Team, Ir. Ida Bagus Wayan Gunam, MP, Ph.D, delivered the Verification Team consisting of Vice Dean for Student Affairs from each faculty assisted by staff of SME Bidikmisi. In the first period Udayana University got a quota of 571 people, but pass SNMPTN only 367 Bidikmisi participants from all over Indonesia. Each Faculty at Unud gets Bidikmisi quota with a predetermined quota from the center. Bidikmisi recipient designation is planned before May 8, 2018 to avoid problems in UKT determination in the future.

(Head of Student Affairs Bureau Udayana University, I Dewa Gede Oka, SE when giving explanation about Verification and Interview of Bidikmisi SNMPTN)

Udayana University Student Affairs Bureau Chief, I Dewa Gede Oka, SE stated that in the verification process, the file completeness and interview will be checked. The results of the interview consist of 4 categories that is very feasible, feasible by completing the shortage of files, feasible with visitation and not feasible given Bidikmisi. After the team verification process will conduct a meeting to determine the determination of Bidikmisi recipient in 2018 to be uploaded in Kemenristekdikti system. Of the 367 registered participants, the possibility will be exceeded because there is a possibility that prospective recipients are not yet connected with SNMPTN so it is not listed and will be assisted by Udayana University IT Team. Bidikmisi quota targeted by Udayana University is 700 participants but given by the new Ministry of 571 people for the first stage. According to information obtained from the Ministry in November will get an additional quota.

Furthermore, Head of Bureau convey Bidikmisi at Udayana University is intended for SNMPTN and SBMPTN lines, it is expected that prospective students of Bidikmisi recipients according to their mission can break the poverty chain through the provision of scholarships to economically disadvantaged children but have good academic achievement. Bidikmisi recipients are also expected to play an active role in student activities both in organizations and interests and reasoning activities, especially in the Student Creativity Program (PKM). Udayana University has prepared a team that manages PKM to provide guidance and mentoring guidance considering PKM will lead to National Scientific Week that can elevate the university rank. (HM)

(SNMPTN Participants performing Bidikmisi verification and interview)