Denpasar, Thursday, April 19, 2018 Udayana University as one of Local Committee (Panlok) organizer of SPMPTN 2018 examination, title of Press Conference in the framework of SBMPTN Implementation and 2018 Bidik Misi Scholarship in Postgraduate Building Campus Sudirman Denpasar.

The registration of SBMPTN line has been opened online since 5 April and will end on 27 April 2018. The Exam Exam is divided into two, namely Computer Based Writing Exam (UTBK) and Printed Writing Exam (UTBC) conducted simultaneously with the re-registration of SNMPTN on May 8, 2018. While the Skills Exam was held on 09-11 May 2018 and the graduation announcement was held on July 3, 2018 at 17.00 Wita.

Registration requirements include graduate students in 2016 and 2017 and already have a diploma, for students graduated in 2018 has a Certificate of Passed Secondary Education, at least contains the information of identity and recent photograph concerned with legally stamped seal and have adequate health so as not to disrupt the smooth process of study. Stages through which the applicant passes the Payments at the Bank, Online Registration, Selection of State Universities and Study Programs, Registration of Skills Tests for students who take the field of Arts and Sport sciences and Execution of Writing Exam.

For applicants of mission aimsfinder have requirements come from economically disadvantaged families and apply for Bidikmisi education fee. Bidikmisi recipient candidates must first learn the registration procedure of Bidikmisi program and register through the website

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gede Antara, M.Eng said that currently there are 5,000 more prospective students who enroll through SBMPTN. In SBMPTN the participants can choose as many as three Programs. If only one candidate is eligible to choose a study program in all state universities, but if you choose two or more study programs, one of the options of the study program should be in a state university located in one area where participants take the exam. Udayana University conducted UTBK with a limited number of participants ie 365 participants, considering the number of facilities and infrastructure that must meet the requirements standards. The Vice Rector hopes that the number of students applying to Udayana University can increase from the previous year.

Rector of Unud, Prof. Dr. dr. A.A Raka Sudewi, Sp.S (K) delivered the year 2018 Udayana University will receive about 5,900 students from three registration paths opened namely SNMPTN, SBMPTN and Mandiri. Unlike the previous year, this self-contained path does not use SBMPTN value to provide opportunities for students who do not have time to follow SBMPTN in order to follow the selection of new admissions.

Related to Bidikmisi scholarship, Head of Student Affairs Bureau Unud I Dewa Gede Oka, SE stated that the quota of Bidikmisi scholarship received by Unud this year amounted to 571 people and will increase in November 2018. Currently 367 prospective students who pass SNMPTN pass the Bidikmisi scholarship application . In addition to the scholarship Bidik Unud mission also has other scholarships provided for underprivileged students and achievers. (HM)