Denpasar - Quality and Quality Assurance Development Institute (LP3M) Unud held Coordination Meeting (Coordination Meeting) Coordinator of Study Program, Tuesday (20/02/2018) at Postgraduate Hall Room of Sudirman Campus Denpasar. Coordination was held in order to follow up the change of leadership format of Study Program as implementation of new OTK implementation, where Prodi is led by a Coordinator. Therefore, it needs a similar perception related to the policy of Udayana University Leadership. The meeting was attended by the Rector, Vice Rectors, Head of Bureau, Dean of Faculty, and Coordinator of Study Program
(Chairman of LP3M Unud, Prof. Dr. Ni Wayan Sri Suprapti, S.E., M.Si when delivering Coordinating Meeting report)
Chairman of LP3M Unud, Prof. Dr. Ni Wayan Sri Suprapti, S.E., M.Si said that this activity is the first coordination meeting after the change of leadership format in the Study Program. As the spearhead digarda front-line tasks Coordinator Program Studies (Koprodi) is very heavy. For that Koprodi expected to bring Unud to reach the target that has been set in an effort to realize the vision of Unud. The study program owned by Unud currently totals 112 and in the new academic year will be added 3 (three) new study which is currently being proposed that is S3 Biology S1 Industrial Engineering and S1 French Literature.
The proposed opening of the new study program will affect the proportion of accreditation status as the initial accreditation for the new labor is C. To maintain the proportion of accreditation status, Ai who has achieved A is expected to retain the value and go to international accreditation such as AUN and Prodi who achieve B to be increased to A and Prodi who achieved C immediately upgraded the status to B. The resource persons presented were Vice Rectors, Head of Institutions and Head of Bureau and Head of USDI.
(Rector of Unud, Prof. Dr. dr. A.A. Raka Sudewi, Sp.S (K) when opening and giving remarks Coordination Meeting (Coordination Meeting) Program Coordinator)
Rector of Unud, Prof. Dr. dr. A A. Raka Sudewi, Sp.S (K) in his speech convey the purpose of the implementation of Rakor is in order to revitalize the existing Prodi in Unud. Seeing Prodi is the academic spearhead that directly relates to students and society, the management of Prodi must be implemented better, structured and in accordance with tupoksi. Prodi is a curriculum implementer in realizing the vision of Unud.
Unud in the form of BLU, requires the leadership to be tied to a performance contract that is evaluated on an ongoing basis every three months. Prodi as part of the faculty must follow the rules set. Previously Faculty and Prodi have been given assistance related to the use of budget in each unit. Furthermore, the Rector conveyed besides as the executor of Koprodi curriculum also has the obligation to manage the Prodi from planning to the processes that are implemented. As a spearhead Prodi's role becomes strategic because it is in direct contact with students, community and graduate users.
The Rector invites Koprodi to work hard to realize the ideals set forth in the vision of Unud. Together work and synergize in accordance with the applicable regulatory corridors. Rector has high hopes for the activities conducted by Prodi in line with the leadership policy in providing services to the community. Rakor is expected to provide understanding for Koprodi against the rules and policies that apply at the University.
In Coordination, each Leader provides material related to the policy direction in accordance with their respective fields. The materials presented include Internal and External Quality Assurance System, Fund Disbursement Mechanism, Civil Government Discipline, Study Permission and Study Task, Research Policy and Community Service, IMISSU and Remuneration. (HM)
(Rakor attended by the Rector, Vice-Chancellors, Bureau Chief, Dean of Faculty, and Coordinator of Study Program)