Denpasar - Udayana University (Udayana University) held a Seminar on Acceleration of Professor / Professor for Lecturer, Thursday (15/2/2018) in Meeting Room dr. A A. Made Djelantik, Faculty of Medicine Campus Sudirman Denpasar. The seminar was attended by lecturers who hold Doctorate and have the rank of Head Lecturer and Assessment Team of Credit Rate within Udayana University by presenting the speakers from Kemristekdikti namely Prof. Dr. Bunyamin Maftuh, M.Pd., M.A (Director of Career and Human Resources Competence) and Prof. Dr. Ir. Yanuarsyah Haroen (Credit Rate Appraisal Team) with Dr. drh. Hamong Suharsono, M.Kes.
Prof. Dr. drh. I.B. Komang Ardana, M.Kes, Chairman of the Committee, delivered the seminar aimed to improve the knowledge and skill of lecturers in making internationally reputable papers which is one of the requirements of proposing to Professor level. Through this seminar is expected to encourage the lecturers who have held a Doctorate to pursue a career as a Professor.
(Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.Sc when giving speech)
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.Sc in his speech said that Udayana University's accreditation status will be evaluated every year by BAN-PT, surveillance will be conducted to each Study Program to check the suitability of data of each form when proposed. If there is a difference or decrease, it will have implications for the decrease in the value of accreditation.
Related to this matter, one of the requirements in accreditation and to maintain the value of accreditation A, then the number of Professors owned must reach 10% of the total lecturer. Until February 2018 the number of lecturers at Udayana University is 1,472 people with 512 Head Lectors and 151 Professors. This shows that the position of Unud is still safe, but in a few moments ie in July some of the Professors will enter full time, which until the end of this year is estimated to number 20 people. Currently only three professors are ready to be confirmed, and it is expected that this number will continue to increase. One of the causes or obstacles is the insufficient number of Scopus-indexed international publications. Therefore, through this seminar it is expected that the speakers can motivate the lecturers to become Professor to advance Unud.
(Prof. Dr. Bunyamin Maftuh, M.Pd., M.A)
One of the speakers namely Prof. Dr. Bunyamin Maftuh, M.Pd., MA stated that currently has been implemented the governance of online academic promotion service which refers to Permenpan & RB Number 17 Year 2013 Jo Number 46 Year 2013. Requirements from Head Lecturer to Professors include experience as lecturer remains at least 10 years old, holds a Doctorate (S3) at least three years after obtaining a diploma, at least a two-year Lector Head, has met the credit score requirements, has a scientific work in reputable international journals and becomes the first author, has performance, integrity, ethics and the order of karma and responsibility. (HM)