Marvelous Action of Maliq & D'essentials in The 7th Udayana Jazz Festival

Denpasar - Sunday, November 19, 2017 BEM PM Udayana University organized the 7th Udayana Jazz Festival. This activity appointed the theme "Uplibting Jazz" held at Sudirman Campus, Udayana University. The Udayana Jazz Festival is a work program of BEM PM of Udayana University which has been organized for seven times. The guest stars of the 7th Udayana Jazz Festival were Bara Suara along with Indra Lesmana and Adra Karim, Sound of Mine featuring Dennis Junio, and Maliq & D'essentials as well as the top three band audition winners of the Udayana Jazz Festival last year. This activity aimed to accommodate the students of Udayana University and others who were enthusiasts of jazz music in Bali.

The series of the Udayana Jazz Festival events started at 17.30 WITA with the performances of the top five band audition participants. Previously, there were 14 bands who registered in the auditions, then selected into the top five that performed at the Udayana Jazz Festival and there would decide the three winners who would be invited to perform in the Udayana Jazz Festival next year. Thus, the winner of the band audition of the 7th Udayana Jazz Festival was won by Rush Project, the second place was Crosslink, and the third place was Foccacia, next, for the favorite band winners were won by Senja and The Gangs. In addition, there were also awards for the best individual band personnel. Abraham, Reno, and Brian of Senja and The Gangs became the best drummer, guitarist, and saxophonist in sequence. Metta of Rush Project became the best vocalist and Raymond of Crosslink became the best keyboardist.

Funky Kota, New Generation, and Secangkir Kopi were the last year winners of Udayana Jazz Festival band audition which became the performers of the 7th Udayana Jazz Festival this year. Next, the performance was proceeded by Sound of Mine featuring Dennis Junio, Maliq & D'essentials, and Bara Suara along with Indra Lesmana and Adra Karim. The committees of the activity were 120 people with preparations that had been prepared since June 2017. Although there were problems in contacting artists and technical matters such as rain, but the activity could organized smoothly and very lively.

Arya Raditya, the committee chairman of the 7th Udayana Jazz Festival admitted initially was a little surprised to be chosen as chairman of this great event. "But after being underwent, there are much of very useful learning from the Udayana Jazz Festival, about how we communicate with the media, artist, and writing of MoU, thus get the softskill that will be useful in the working  world ", he said. For the Udayana Jazz Festival in the next year, he hoped that the event would be more impressive as well as the guest stars, and might be held for more than a day. In addition, he also hoped that the participants of band auditions would increase. (fai)