Create an Effective and Efficient Bureaucracy Through 'SISKA'

Bukit Jimbaran - In an effort to improve the service and administrative administration of the issuance of Rector’s Decree, Udayana University General Bureau through Sub Division of Law and Governance organized Technical Information System of Decision Letter (SISKA), Thursday, (26/10/2017) in National Room Rectorate Building Bukit Jimbaran Campus. SISKA is a system built for business process services based on information technology. As a process of implementation and understanding of stakeholders about the business process of Rector Decision filing through the system becomes the objective of the implementation of technical guidance that was followed by the representative of all units within the Centre Office  of Unud.

SISKA is a project developed by the Head of Sub Section. Law and Governance, I Wayan Gayun Widharma, SE., M.Si as a participant of Leadership Training of Level IV which required the training participants to bring changes to the institution through innovation to solve the problems found in the implementation of the task.

Head of Public Bureau, Drs. Ketut Amoga Sidi conveyed this activity was  the implementation of Udayana University's bureaucratic reform road map. The areas of change are the strengthening of monitoring systems, strengthening performance accountability, institutional strengthening, strengthening governance, strengthening human resources and improving the quality of public services. Furthermore, the Public Bureau conveyed the types of leadership policies to be included in the system, namely Rector Regulation, Senate Regulation, Rector Decision, Senate Decision and Circular Letter. In the management of the Rector's Decree, the leadership has a policy that SISKA is integrated with remuneration payments and payment of honorarium activities. The Decision Letter in SISKA will be completed with QR code to maintain the security of the official script.

The materials presented in the technical guidance include Business Process Definition, Milestones and Output of SISKA, SISKA Business Process, Procedures for Formation of Rector Decisions and Common Problems. Through technical guidance was  expected to improve the governance of Rector Decision making process through an integrated system to create an effective and efficient bureaucracy. (PR)

(Technical Guidance 'SISKA' was followed by the representative of all units within the Centre Office  of Unud.)