Bukit Jimbaran - Faculty of Engineering Udayana University (FT Unud) held a series of activities in the framework of the 52nd BKFT. Activities held on the open stage of Faculty of Engineering Udayana University Campus Bukit Jimbaran, Sunday (1/10/2017). The event was attended by Rector of Unud, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Dean of Faculty of Engineering, and all academic community of FT Unud. The activity began with a healthy walk, gymnastics together, and other family activities to establish a great family solidarity Faculty of Engineering.

I Ketut Adi Purnawan, ST., M.Eng as the Chairman of BKFT Committee, said that some activities have been conducted which related to the implementation of BKFT Anniversary such as dedication to the community such as, cleaned-up in beach area and released of hatchlings at Kuta Beach. The implementation of scientific activities was a seminar with the theme "Kewirausahaan and Entrepreneurship". Adi Purnawan also conveyed his pride because the Faculty of Engineering won the overall champion on the implementation of the 55th Anniversary of UNUD.

(Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT.,Ph.D when delivering speech)

Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, MT., Ph.D expressed his appreciation to the alumnus of Faculty of Engineering who have joined the event BKFT. This year will soon be realized the construction of the building which is a contribution from the alumnus of the Faculty of Engineering, the Dean expects good cooperation between the Faculty and alumnus that can continue to build the Faculty of Engineering to be better in the future. The Dean of FT also hopes that three excellent of program study such as Civil Engineering, IT, and Electrical Engineering can achieve A accreditation and are proposed to follow AUN by 2018.

(Rector of Unud, Prof. Dr. dr. A A. Raka Sudewi, Sp.S (K) when delivering speech)

On the same occasion, Rector of Unud, Prof. Dr. dr. A A. Raka Sudewi, Sp.S (K) conveyed the sense of kinship should continue to be increased among students, educators, and education personnel. Rector also hopes, FT Unud able to produce graduates of engineering experts who have competence in accordance with their field. In the future the Faculty of Engineering should be able to improve the study period of students and graduated on time because the study period is one of the decisive factors to achieve accreditation A. (PR).

(The 52nd BKFT aktivities)