Denpasar - Rector of Unud accompanied by Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information Affairs (WR IV), held a meeting with Head of Research and Development Agency (Balitbang) Badung regency, Friday (15/09/2017) at the Meeting Room of Postgraduate Director of Kampus Sudirman Denpasar.

Head of Research and Development Agency of Badung Regency, I Wayan Suambara, SH., MM conveyed the meeting as a gathering event to continue the cooperation that has been done when the Balitbang is still merged with Bappeda, but also at the same time to explore the development of cooperation of both parties. Furthermore, Wayan Suambara conveyed the Balitbang is currently formulating energy formulation. Balitbang in the implementation of its duties has a program that oriented with the welfare of the community so it must be more professional in the implementation of grant by the District Government which refers to the circular of Ministry of Home Affairs and related to local government finances that must be supported with accurate data such as academic texts. Balitbang has a commitment to build synergy with Unud in the implementation of its activities in the future.

Rector of Unud, Prof. Dr. dr. A A. Raka Sudewi, Sp.S (K) conveyed many things that can be cooperated like the field of human resources considering that Unud has many experts. Various other cooperation can also be implemented both sides, one of them is cooperation in terms of hospital development, if the cooperation is realized that is expected to develop Hospital Unud so as to provide optimal service for the community, especially South Badung region. Besides that, Unud also has many assets that can be equated so that these assets can be empowered.

WR IV Unud, Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Wyasa Putra, SH., M.Hum on this occasion added that the position of Unud is in the area of ​​Badung regency so that the synergy between the institutions should be further improved. In accordance with one of the vision of the Rector is to fix the institutional and strengthen communication with other institutions. Besides, Unud also has human resources that can help Pemkab Badung in solving the problems. Another thing is the status of Unud as a BLU gives an opportunity to be able to empower assets to produce through the cooperation. Unud also has a Udayana Farm development program in North Badung which requires about 1 - 2 hectares of land which may be assisted by Pemkab Badung regency. (PR)