Denpasar - Thursday (14/09/2017) Udayana University Rector did an audience with the Chief of High Court Bali (Kejati Bali). Audience aimed at introducing new leaders within the university and developing cooperative relationships. In the hearing, the Rector was accompanied by Vice Rector for Academic Affairs (WR I), Vice Rector for Student Affairs (WR III) and Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information (WR IV).

Kajati Bali, Dr. Jaya Kusuma, SH., M.Hum on this occasion conveyed the High Court (Kejati) Bali will hold a health service in collaboration with the Bali Provincial Health Office next October. The Attorney is currently tasked as a team of government development guards, especially in the field of planning due to the emergence of complaints that related to low budget absorption, criminalization of law enforcement officers and doubts in the optimization of development projects. Related to the cooperation with Unud, student PKL Unud has been involved in several disciplines with the Attorney General's office in addition to the placement of expert staff from the Faculty of Law. The Attorney is also ready to assist Unud in facing legal issues both civil and criminal such as asset issues through delegation of authority. Kajati is also ready to be invited to be a guest speaker in a public lecture that conducted by Unud.

Rector of Unud, Prof. Dr. dr. A A. Raka Sudewi, Sp.S (K) on this occasion expressed her appreciation for the cooperation that has been established and welcomed Kajati's wishes. Related to health service, Unud has doctor and student staff who can be involved in the activity.(HM

(Kajati Bali, Dr. Jaya Kusuma, SH.,M.Hum when recieved audience Rector  and Vice Rectors Unud)