Unud Held Orientation for Foreign Student for Student Exchange Program

Denpasar - Center for International Programs (CIP) Udayana University conducted orientation activities for Udayana University's foreign students who will attend lectures in odd semester of academic year 2017/2018 on Thursday (31/08/2017) in International Office (IO) of 4th Floor Agrokomplek Building Campus Unud Sudirman Denpasar. The event was opened by Udayana University's Director for International Programs (CIP), Ni Putu Sri Harta Mimba, SE., MSi., PhD., Ak., CA and attended by the Secretary of the Center for International Programs (CIP), and representatives of the Academic Bureau, Cooperation and Public Relations Udayana University.

This orientation is aimed to introduce the academic climate at Udayana University and inform about Bali as the area where foreign students will live for the next 6 months. In the event, foreign students were given information about VISA, and also introduced about Balinese culture one of them about traditional Balinese traditional clothes. The orientation participants consisted of eight exchange students who will study for one semester at Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Faculty of Cultural Science (FIB) and Faculty of Tourism Unud. The students are from Chiba University Japan, Shujitsu University Japan, Yamaguchi University Japan, The University of Applied Science Stralsund Germany and University of Naples 'L' Orientale Italia. All of them are university students who have cooperated with Udayana University.

(Director of CIP Unud, Ni Putu Sri Harta Mimba with Secretary of CIP, Ketut Tika and participants of Student Exchange Program)

Director of CIP Unud, Ni Putu Sri Harta Mimba hoped this activity can increase the quantity of foreign students studying to Unud which is supported by good academic quality. Faculty that be the recipients for student exchange send their students to overseas universities who have cooperated with Udayana University because students who join the program are exempt from tuition fee (free of SPP). Considering that the student sending from Udayana University to university partnership is still small, in the odd semester of 2017/2018, Unud has a student exchange program for 26 students, and it is expected that the program can be utilized by all faculties within Udayana University. (PR)