UNSRAT Manado Tariff Service Team Visited the Unud

Bukit Jimbaran - Udayana University received a visit from Sam Ratulangi University Service Team (UNSRAT) Manado, North Sulawesi, Monday (07/08/2017) at Rectorate Building, Bukit Jimbaran Campus. The visit was aimed to obtain inputs that related to the completion of the tariff service document which will be proposed by UNSRAT to the Minister of Finance after the stipulation of UNSRAT as the PK-BLU Work Unit in March 2017. In this visit the UNSRAT team was received by the Head of Planning and Finance Bureau (BPKU) BLU Unud, Head of USDI and the ranks of Finance Division.

Head of BPKU Unud, I Wayan Antara in his speech conveyed permission BLU Udayana University has since 2012. Until now there are many obstacles in implementation, one of them is in terms of asset management. Unud has a land asset that classified as many as 150 hectares. In its management, it is constrained NJOP that really high enough in cooperation with third parties, and this resulted in not optimal in its empowerment.

Furthermore, Wayan Antara stated that the service tariff in Unud consists of tariff of non academic service, remuneration, tariff of Public Service Board (BLU), hospital tariff and other standard of Input Cost. Non-academic service tariffs includes rental of buildings, laboratories and canteen which have a low proportion and need to be increased due to high land NJOP so that the rental fee becomes big. This causes the third party to think about investing, in addition to being limited by the rules in the case of a maximum lease can only be 
done for a period of 5 years and may be renewed.

Associated with Remuneration Service, Udayana University already has a system designed by USDI that chaired by Prof. Dr. I Ketut Gede Darma Putra, S.Kom, M.T. For service tariff of Unud Hospital has not yet run optimally because it still has some obstacles in its implementation. This year the physical development is expected to be completed and by 2018 can be fully operational. The University in this case will prepare funds to support the operation of the Hospital.

(The Head of UNSRAT team, Prof. Dr. David P.E. Saerang, SE.,M.Com (Hons) when delivered the aims of the visitation to the Udayana University)

Chairman of UNSRAT Team, Prof. Dr. David P.E. Saerang, SE., M.Com (Hons), stated that this visit was conducted in order to prepare the tariff service document. Further Prof. David delivered the BLU UNSRAT team has been working for 4 months effectively and has been consulted with the Ministry of Finance. The ministry advised the team to make comparisons to the universities around the already BLU. Previously, the team had visited Gorontalo University to get information on service tariff. The team chose Unud because they have Faculty of Medicine so it is expected to get tariff information especially related to medicine. Prof David hoped in the discussion to obtain technical information about service tariffs and remuneration so as to get a new inspiration to accelerate with what has been achieved in UNSRAT. (HM)

(UNSRAT team was accepted by the Head of Planning and Finance Bureau (BPKU) Unud together with Team PK BLU Unud, Head of USDI and attended by Vice Rector for General and Finance Affairs and Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information)