Green Technology, the Supporter of Tourism Industry In KNEP VIII 2017

Prof. I Nyoman Suprapta Winaya, ST., MASc., Ph.D. (the Professor of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering Udayana University) Delivered the Material in KNEP VIII 2017

Denpasar – Thursday, July 20th, 2017 carried out the KNEP VIII in the Hall of Post-Graduate Building, Udayana University, Sudirman. KNEP stands for National Conference of Hotel Engineering, which held annually. The theme taken this year is "Green Technology Supports the Tourism Industry". The purpose of this activity is to take the advantage of the technology role in improving the tourism industry. So with the development of technology, it is able to be applied in supporting the tourism field which is an icon of Bali. KNEP VIII is one of a series of activities in BKFT 2017.

There are four speakers invited to fill this activity. Prof. Ir. I Gede Wenten, Ph.D. (the Professor of Chemical Engineering Institute of Technology Bandung) became the first speaker with the material "Strategic Steps in Building the Nation". The second speaker was Prof. I Nyoman Suprapta Winaya, ST., MASc., Ph.D. (the Professor of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering Udayana University) with the material "Potential Energy Sources To Support Tourism Facilities in Bali". After that the activity was divided into two, namely parallel sessions and workshops. For the workshop, it was still held in the Graduate Building Hall, while the parallel session was held in room 3.8; 3.10.

There were two speakers in the workshop, the first was Dr. Putu Saroyeni Piartrini, SE., MM., Ak. (the Lecturer in the Department of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Udayana University) who brought the material "Indonesian National Work Competency Standards (SKKNI) Mechanical Engineering". Then the material "Hotel Building Maintenance Management System" by Ir. Putu Sujadi (Director of Engineering Ananthara Dhigu-Veli-Naladhu Resort Maldives). The workshop aims to explore the potential and improve the competence of mechanical engineering professions in building the tourism industry. 

In each year, this activity always takes the theme of tourism that is adapted to the development of technology. So with the development of technology can improve the tourism industry. The committee in this activity is the lecturer of mechanical engineering that invites the cooperation of functionaries of the set of students of machines. The number of participants in this activity is 143 people who come from academia, tourism, and students. In the second session, 60 participants participated in parallel sessions and 83 participants attended the workshop.

Dr. Ir. I Gusti Ngurah Priambadi, MT. as the chairman of the committee in this activity felt happy because the enthusiasm of the participants is quite high and always increase every year. "For the next year, the first is the evaluation of activities need to be done. For the second is how we encompass the speakers who aim to get information from each participant to help improve tourism ", he said. (mimi)