Bukit Jimbaran - Udayana University received a comparative study of students "Mengenal Nusantara", Tuesday (18/07/2017) in the Bangsa Room Rectorate Building Bukit Jimbaran Campus. The entourage received by The Head of Division of Education, Nyoman Supangat and The Head of Sub Division Academic Facilities, Made Budiastrawan.

Representative of Team PT. Jasa Marga who accompanied the delegation, conveyed this activity is the implementation of the letter of the Minister of SOEs related to the program "SOEs Present To The Country". This year the organizers from Bali Province were accompanied by PT ITDC and PT Suplier Indonesia. One of the program is, the students know the archipelago through the exchange of students from high school students grade 2 and grade 3 from Bali to North Maluku. The participants who attended this event were students from North Maluku High School, amounting to 20 people. This activity has four programs that one of them is education through the visit to the best universities and high schools in Bali. The purpose of this comparative study was that students want to know Udayana University directly. Besides the visit to Unud, the entourage will also visit SMA Negeri 1 Gianyar.

Representatives from the North Maluku Provincial, Education Authorities who took part in the group and delivered a glimpse of North Maluku profile which has 10 municipal districts. Participants who attended this event were the result of the selection of district / city representatives in North Maluku. Representatives of the Education Authorities also expressed appreciation to the student program organizers that know the archipelago so that children in North Maluku have the opportunity to learn about the culture, education and tourism of Bali.

On this occasion students are given information about the profile of Udayana University by The Head of Sub Division Academic Facilities, Made Budiastrawan. Budi also conveyed if there were students who are less capable but have the achievement to apply for a Bidik Misi scholarship to continue education. The students who were present were very enthusiastic about knowing Udayana University. In the discussion of many students who asked questions such as related to foreign students graduates, constraints faced by Unud, the work of students of the Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Engineering, tuition fees, entrepreneurship program and students asked about the profile of the leadership of Unud. (PR)

(Udayana University received a comparative study of students "Mengenal Nusantara", in the Bangsa Room Rectorate Building Bukit Jimbaran Campus)

(Giving a souvenir)