3 Candidates Rector Conveyed Their Vision, Mision, and Work Program.
Bukit Jimbaran (13/06/2017) - Udayana University Rector Election Committee held "Vision, Mission and Work Program Rector Candidates of Unud 2017-2021 "in Auditorium Building of Widya Sabha Campus Bukit Jimbaran. This socialization was attended by the Chairman of Senate Unud, Vice Rectors, Deans, Head of Institution, Head of Bureau, Director of Unud Hospital, lecturer and staff, students and alumnus. This activity is aimed to socialize the vision, mission and work program of each Rector Candidates to all Udayana University academic community.
Chairman of the Rector Election Committee, Prof. I Gede Mahardika in his report conveyed that the three Rector Candidates are the result of screening which conducted on June 7, 2017. Rector Election will be held on June 20, 2017 by the Senate and the Minister in accordance with conditions. Prof. Mahardika also said there are several different things in the process of selecting the Rector at this time which requires at least 4 prospective Rector candidate while in the previous Rector election period there are only 3 candidates. In this process also involved several agencies outside Kemenristekdikti, including from ASN, KPK and PPATK, where the candidates are required to submit the Report of Wealth to the KPK. Further Prof. Mahardika conveyed, this socialization is not an arena to overthrow each other, but rather to how candidates will deliver the flagship program that will be done if they elected as Rector. Prof. Mahardika hopes that the elected Rector will be able to realize the ideals of Unud in accordance with his vision, mission and work program.

Photos (from left to right): Moderator Dr. Ni Made Ras Amanda Gegel, Candidate Rector Number 2 Dr. Drh. I Made Damriyasa, MS, Rector Candidate No. 3 Dr. Drs. A A. Ngurah Gunawan, Candidate of Rector Number 4, Prof. Dr. Dr. A A. Raka Sudewi, Sp.S (K)
Exposure of vision, mission and work program Candidate of Rector is guided by Dr. Ni Made Ras Amanda Gegel, S.Sos., M.Si from Communication Studies Program FISIP Unud. The exposure began with the reading of each candidate's vocational curriculum by a moderator, and proceeded with the exposure of vision, mission and work program. Candidate of Rector Number 2, Prof. Dr. Drh. I Made Damriyasa, MS in his presentation, presented his vision to create a superior, innovative and competitive Unud which it towards World Class University and 9 priority work programs of quality and relevance, research and service, institutional and governance status, human resources, facilities and infrastructure, postgraduate, RS Unud, ICT Strengthening towards Smart Campus and Remuneration System. Prof. Dr. Drh. I Made Damriyasa, MS also said that he will bring Unud to become a research university by improving the quality and quantity of research considering the low number of research in Unud. Prof. Damriyasa offers 5 strategies to make it happen namely Development, Actual Issues, Management, Relevancy, and Integrated.

Candidate Rector Number 2 Prof. Dr. drh. I Made Damriyasa, MS in delivering vision, mission and work program
Candidate Rector Number 3, Dr. Drs. A A. Ngurah Gunawan in his presentation conveyed his vision to realize the Unud become PTN legal entity, independent, superior and able to compete in national and international level. Ngurah Gunawan has a short-term work programs that improve the performance of lecturers and staff through remuneration equation for all faculties, improving facilities and lecture infrastructure, organizing workshops and seminars as well as financing international journals from universities, also Patent financing. For the medium term Ngurah Gunawan will focus on cooperation and for the long term will focus on building laboratory and procurement of advanced equipment for laboratory.

Candidate Rector Number 3 Dr. Drs. A.A. Ngurah Gunawan in delivering vision, mission and work program
Candidate Rector Number 4, Prof. Dr. Dr. A A. Raka Sudewi, Sp.S (K) in her presentation conveyed the vision of the realization of quality, science and technology-based UUD governance through innovation, internationalization, and Tri Dharma as an agent of economic development. Prof. Raka Sudewi also conveyed four pillars that support the establishment of Unud namely institutional governance, resources, Tri Dharma and facilities also infrastructure. Colleges that produce innovation and can improve the competitiveness and prosperity of society and nation. Prof Raka Sudewi has 20 programs in 100 days to realize her vision of mission such as evaluation of remuneration system, minimum operational cost standard, reputable journals, promotion system, scholarship, asset revitalization, internationalization, USDI strengthening, organization and governance, facilities and infrastructure and student Exchange.
Candidate Rector Number 4, Prof. Dr. Dr. A A. Raka Sudewi, Sp.S (K) in delivering vision, mission and work program
In the question and answer session, the participants of socialization provided input which related to preventing radicalism from entering the university, improving facilities and infrastructure at Udayana University. The alumnus who attended and they hoped that the Rector Candidate if one of them elected as Rector and position the alumni to be able to work together with the campus in order to contribute to the development of the campus. Representatives of students who attended and provided input which related to student affairs, financial transparency and build relationships through regular meetings with student institutions held 3 or 6 months. June 16, 2017 will be held a special socialization for the Chairman of the Study Program in the Theater Room Faculty of Medicine Campus Sudirman Denpasar. (PR)