UNUD and ITB Made a Cooperation In "Workshop of Writing a Riset Proposal"

Bukit Jimbaran (05/06/2017) - Udayana University in cooperation with Bandung Institute of Technology through Bali International Research Center for Banana (BIRCB) held a Workshop on Research Proposal Writing in the Language Room of Rectorate Building Campus Bukit Jimbaran. This workshop is intended to produce research proposals that will be submitted to the Ministry of Higher Education and other funders both nationally and internationally. The event was attended by Deputy Rector II of Unud, Dean of Faculty of Agriculture Unud and lecturers of fruit researcher from Unud and ITB.

In this workshop there were two subtopics discussed namely Biodiversity and Biogeography. In Biodiversity subtopics of material presented on banana plant diseases, biodiversity of bananas, ethnobotany and functional food. While in the subtopics biogeography of the material discussed the smart village and carbon stock. Deputy Rector II of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ketut Budi Susrusa, MS hopes this workshop can be one of the supporting elements to raise the QS Star rating because the research result is one of the assessment element.

Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Rai, MS conveyed that BIRCB is an institute of initiation between ITB and Unud as a joint university research center aimed at handling research results about the well and improving the quality of banana fruit in the market. In the Workshop dissertation proposals collaboration results from researchers Unud and ITB, to be able to obtain research funding in 2018. Currently submitted a proposal to USAID to obtain funds through BIRCB the announcement in August. Prof. Nyoman Rai hopes BIRCB can develop into a banana research center to solve banana problems from banana diseases to industrial fields. Especially for the province of Bali, is expected to provide disease-resistant banana seeds and banana plantation and banana garden as agro-tourism. BIRCB itself was formed in April 2017 and will be launched on June 6, 2017. (PR)

(Foto Bersama Workshop Penulisan Proposal Riset Kerjasama Unud dan ITB)