Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Angkatan Laut Surabaya Made Comparative Study to Unud

Denpasar - Udayana University received a visit from the Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Angkatan Laut (STTAL) Surabaya, Friday (19/05/2017) at Agrokompleks Campus Sudirman Building. This visit was a part of the Comparative Study and Community Service activities of STTAL College. This comparative study group consisted of Deputy Commander of STTAL Surabaya, the Directors, Heads of Department and Head of Study Program which they will visit Postgraduate, Faculty of Engineering majoring in Information Technology and Library of Unud. In this event presented Rector of Unud, Deputy Rector II, Vice Dean III of Faculty of Engineering, Head of Department of Machine and Head of General Bureau along with ranks.

Rector of Unud, Prof. Ketut Suastika in his speech said that it was a pride of Unud to be the study destination of STTAL. Further Prof. Ketut Suastika conveyed Udayana University which got new accreditation A in its management got strong support in information system from Information Resource Unit (USDI). The Rector also offered a group of STTAL to visit the USDI located in Bukit Jimbaran Campus to be able to see live information system development in Unud. Through this activity is expected to be a discussion for the development of institutions to be better in the future.

Commander of STTAL Surabaya in his speech read by Kolonel Angkatan Laut I Nengah Putra, ST.M.Si as Deputy Commander said that this activity is aimed to establish better communication especially in positive activity with Udayana University. This comparative study also simultaneously exchanged information considering that Udayana University has succeeded in accelerating and achieving much better. Through this activity is expected to be able to share tips Unud in achieving the achievements, especially in terms of governance in the Mechanical Engineering Program, Electrical Engineering and Informatics Engineering as well as supporting laboratories. This comparative study is a routine activity undertaken by STTAL as a condition of implementation of community service and research to improve the knowledge of the management of the study program according to the standard set by the Minister of Research and Technology. (PR)