Jimbaran, on March 15, 2017, Udayana University received a visit from SMAN 1 cibinong at Auditorium Widya Sabha Building Campus Bukit Jimbaran. This visit was followed by the 330 students of class XI and 12 teachers. The group was received by the Head of Academic Cooperation and Public Relations, Drs. I Gusti Ngurah Indra Kecapa, M.Ed which accompanied by academic staff, I Made Yuda Prasetya S.Kom as moderator.
Vice Principal of SMAN 1 Cibinong, Ms. Diah represented the group and She expressed appreciation since it has been received very well by the Udayana University. Ms. Diah also conveyed the purpose of the visit and it was to obtain information about the Udayana University completely and clear, so that the future students can determine the study program which will be selected and will also be a silahturahmi because every year many alumnus of SMA 1 Cibinong receive and enroll in the Udayana University.
The Head of Academic Bureau, Cooperation and Public Relations, I Gusti Ngurah Indra Kecapa in his presentation expressed about the vision and mission, scholarships, facilities, advantages of Udayana University, and introduce more about life in higher education, especially at the Udayana University. Ngurah Indra Kecapa has also expressed that Udayana has a community or gathering of those students who are from each region throughout Indonesia. With the community / association makes it easy for students to find information about lectures and campus life through seniors who have previously attended the University of Udayana,. Ngurah Indra Kecapa hopes that the students who wish to study at Udayana University can focus on areas base on their interest.
The students who attended the discussion were very enthusiastic and eager to ask questions about the information presented, especially about theopportunities to entry Udayana University, scholarships, and student activity units and facilities that available at the Udayana University. (HM)