On Wednesday, March 8th, 2017, University of Udayana (Udayana) received the visit of Deputy Rector IV of North Sumatra University (USU) and 2 expert staffs. The visit received by Deputy Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Information Udayana University, Prof. Drs. I Made Suastra, Ph.D. accompanied by the Chairman of the Information Resources Unit (USDI) Head of Planning and Finance of Unud, USDI's staff and staff of BPKU Unud. Visits were conducted in order to exchange information about the management of the planning system, management of information technology and share experiences in the implementation of the Accreditation. In the meeting, Prof. Made Suastra provided an overview of the current organization of Unud which has undergone a change and the establishment of a new Working Procedures Organization which held since January 2017. In the field of Information Technology, Unud moves quickly by providing additional bandwidth and overall system improvements, one of them are,  to build the field of planning system involved in Information Systems Planning Solutions (SILUNA), Financial Administration Information System (SIAKU), and Information Systems Acceptance of Wealth (SIMAYA). It hopes through those systems of planning and LAKIP can be completed accurately.

Deputy Rector IV of USU, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bustami Sham, MSME expressed gratitude for the willingness of Unud in receiving The team of USU and a discussion about the whereabouts of each institutions, DR IV of USU said that there are some similarities in the planning and management of information systems at Udayana University and USU, but in some ways Unud is already one step ahead. The discussion also discussed about the steps and tips that Unud do in following Accreditation and received grade A,  nearly in the future USU will also follow the accreditation process and are expected the experience which is gained from Udayana University in following institutional accreditation could be applied in USU so the status of accreditation of B can be increased to A.

The status of USU already had a Legal Entity (BH), Unud want to learn from USU on governance and the process to be followed in the management of university legal entity, for the next Unud is wishing to obtain such status at the end of the visit, the Deputy Rector IV of USU has an opportunity to meet with the Rector and discuss management of accreditation program as well as budget management.(PR)