Johnson Tampubolon, S.H. Dipl, EC, C.Law, (Assistant Deputy of Entrepreneurship Development, Ministry of Economic Coordinator) opened the national seminar and talk show Udayana Young Entrepreneur 2017

Denpasar – Saturday (Feb 11th), entrepreneurship, an extracurricular of Udayana University in collaboration with Financial Service Authority (known as OJK) Regional 8 Bali dan Nusa Tenggara conducted a national seminar and talk show in Agro Complex Building Unud. The theme of the event was “Branding Your Business”. Yayak Eko Cahyanto stated that branding is one of many sensitive issues in a product. It is because branding is the first impression seen by the customer. When the customer do not like it, they might do not want to buy the product.

On this occasion, the committee invited best speakers who could develop the young motivation; Udayana’s students motivation in particular. Among others are Johnson Tampubolon, S.H. Dipl, EC, C.Law (Assistant Deputy of Entrepreneurship Development, Ministry of Economic Coordinator), Zulmi (the head of OJK), Budi Satria Isman (founder of Proindonesia foundation), Haykal Kamil (Young entrepreneur, Actor, Developer, CMO Meccanism), Yayak E. Cahyanto (Brand Developer), Pande Putu Setiawan (founder of Anak Alamm Kick Andy Heroes 2014), I Ketut Sudarta, S.H. (consultant of Disperindag Bali).

Haykal Kamil was delivering a material in national seminar of Udayana Young Entrepreneurship 2017

Besides, the committee also conducted a national festival consisting of vocal group competition, dance creation competition, young entrepreneur expo, food exhibition, and branding video competition that had been held from last January, and Music show. The national seminar and festival are regularly conducted every year by the students who take this extracurricular.

Vocal Group Competition

“This event is done to show that the students who take this extracurricular want to collaborate with either with third party or other institutions to create young entrepreneur for Udayana students in particular. Besides, it is expected that by doing such event the students could think creatively and innovatively to start any business,” said Alfian Nur Rahman the head of the committee.

This event was positively appreciated by both Udayana academician and Government institutions in Bali. Mr. Tampubolon in his speech stated that “Campus is a weapon to develop creative and innovative economy with cultural-based, meaning that the students as young generation are the weapon to do changes for the better economy in Indonesia.” The vice rector of Unud, Mr. Suyatna added, “That higher education does not only a place to create bachelors, but it is now a place to guarantee the students to have jobs and create work fields. It is because there is a rumor stating that higher education’s graduates have most contribution in the number of unemployment in Indonesia. For this reason, such event is needed to develop young entrepreneurs’ spirits. Bachelors nowadays are expected not only to have jobs, but also to create work fields.” (ayuniantari)